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5 Effective Tips To Cope With Long-distance Relationships



coping with long-distant relationship

We all hate long-distance relationships. I mean what is amazing about traveling 6, 7 hours to see ones lover, knowing one can only be with him/her just for the weekend?

It’s terrible.

But what if there are ways you could reduce the effect of distance between you two?

Here are 5 effective tips to cope with LDRs:


1. Video calls

Preparing to go work? Have a lunch break? Returned (early) from work? Incorporate video calls into your conversations.

This has a great way of blurring the distance between you and making you feel closer to each other.

2. Surprise! Surprise!

There is no limit to the strength of surprises. Find a means to get leave off work/school. Get a great present from a nice store. Plan with his/her friend on where and when the unveiling will be. Voila!


Make sure you get her reaction on video. And yeah, thank me later.

3. Constant communication

I can’t stress this enough. No relationship can survive without communication. The fact that yours is a long-distance relationship means you’ve got to double up on the sequence of your talk-time together.

That is not to say you become obsessed with talking to your partner. No. But as much as possible, pick up that phone and ring your baby. Spice up your conversations even.

4. Exchange videos


Humans are wired to connect more with audio-visuals. Make awesome videos of yourself preparing for your day, videos of you at lunch, videos of you doing any other things you do, and send them to your lover.

In a lot of ways, it’s an amazing fix for the day for them. That way, they’ve got something new from you to gawk on.

The side effect of that is that their craving for your presence intensifies. And that is great to prep his/her mind for the next time you two will meet.

5. Find time to visit each other

As much as tips 1 – 4 are full-proof, ensure your practice tip 5 AMAP!


Living within a great distance from one’s lover is a great challenge. But with these tips infused into your love life, I bet you’ll get the most out of the present state of your relationship.

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