LOVERS DESK Lovers Desk is a weekly series that explores the relationship struggles and exploits of young Africans. It showcases the hidden...
It is not the easiest thing being in a long distance relationship but if you really put in the work, time and efforts into your long...
We have seen articles about how long-distance relationships can thrive and be healthy. Yes, it’s very possible but there’s this one thing that can destroy long-distance...
Long distance relationships to do or not to do? This is a question a lot of people ask when they’re at cross roads figuring out if...
Let’s be honest, nobody intentionally sits and prays for a long distance relationship. At least a lot of people do not. Most times, it’s a situation...
Long-distance marriage may not be easy but they can work. In situations where both partners work and have their businesses in different states or countries, they...
A long-distance relationship is when two people in a relationship are separated by distance. However, I believe it is more than just physical distance. If you...
Being in a long-distance relationship can be exhausting but you have to put in your best to make sure it works. Not all long-distance relationships fail....
We all hate long-distance relationships. I mean what is amazing about traveling 6, 7 hours to see ones lover, knowing one can only be with him/her...
It is true that long distance relationships are harder to keep and consequently, people don’t involve in them. This difficulty is because the distance makes some...