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Are You An Infidel If You Cannot Provide In Your Relationship? Biblical View



Are You An Infidel If You Cannot Provide In Your Relationship?

For Christians, there is only one answer and the answer is no you are not. You are worse than an infidel.

Who Is An Infidel?

An Infidel is a person without or against faith. Someone that doesn’t believe in God.They have no religious beliefs and they reject doctrines from items or principles, especially Christianity and Islam.

In 1 Timothy 5 vs 8, The bible says that “But if any provide not for his own, and especially for those of his own house, he hath denied the faith and is worse than an infidel. This is a message to support the widows but it is also used to tell people that in a relationship, It is important to be financially okay so you can provide for yourselves.


The scripture says that if anyone does not provide for his own and especially his own house, he has denied the faith and is worse than an unbeliever.

Imagine God saying that someone that doesn’t believe that he exists is better than you. The scripture says ’men’ but that doesn’t mean that women should not contribute. He said men provide, It didn’t state, that women don’t provide. A woman is the support system for the husband. He can’t do it all by himself so if a woman stays and doesn’t provide for her household, leaving only the man to do it, she is also an infidel. The beginning of the scripture says ‘but if any’. It means both man and woman.

In a relationship should you both start to provide for yourself? Yes. Even though you are not living together, there are things you do together that require money, you don’t have to split the bill every time. Sometimes, you can just offer to help, it is not a man’s duty to carry all the responsibilities of a woman.

It is important to provide for one another from the relationship stage. A stingy partner or a lazy partner in a relationship will not automatically change in marriage. One has to look at these things before going into marriage so yes.

If you cannot provide in your marriage, you are worse than an infidel.




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