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Why Most Men Can Cheat But Cannot Accept Infidelity From Their Partners



Why Most Men Cannot Cheat But Cannot Accept Infidelity From Their Partners

In case you are not aware, it’s a man’s world out there. Men often shame women for infidelity or ‘sleeping around’. Women are called slut and prostitutes by men for choosing to get down with a man.
These same men are shamelessly sleeping around with multiple women but they are saints. How come the rules are different for men and women? 

Cultural Initiation

For many years, men have always had the upper hand while women were served with the lower ebbs of life. In many cultures which is changing today, men could marry multiple wives while women could never try such. 

This cultural way of life was unconsciously initiated into many men and the result is their disgust for a woman with more than one partner while the man with multiple sexual partner is praised and called The Man. 

Patriachy Makes Men Practice Infidelity

This is a social system in which men hold primary power and predominate in roles of political leadership, moral authority, social privilege, and control of poverty. 


This is what informed the moral authority that many men try to impose on women. Most men believe they are above the moral law especially when a woman is involved. 

Even in the Bible, a woman was caught ‘in the very act’ and people were ready to stone her but the man whom she was caught with was not to be punished. Thankfully, that woman was rescued by a man who had not been initiated into their patriarchal ideals. 

Men are Head, Women Should Follow

Just like in a monarchy where the words of the King is law, religion and culture have connived to call men head while failing to make them realise that being head actually imply that they uphold a higher standard of living and behaviour than they demand from those who should follow them. 

Agelong Beliefs

For many generations till this day, it has been said that ‘men are dogs’ or ‘men are promiscuous by nature’ and the male gender has accepted it and continue to live by this narrative. This beliefs stem from men who failed to control their sexual urges and appetite but constantly asking women to subdue their own. 
Isn’t this double standard? 


Most men publicly practice infidelity even to the praise of fellow men while most women dare not practice it publicly for the fear of being shamed by these men.


Infidelity is wrong both for the man and the woman. The woman must recognize her power and take it back from the man.
If you have cheated or practiced infidelity, you have a right to demand forgiveness from him but just like you have a right to not accept his forgiveness if he was the one that cheated, he also reserves the right not to accept your forgiveness.

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