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Five daily habits that can make a lady age quickly




Every woman wants to look young and beautiful at all times. As Ladies we are willing to spend money on ways to look younger than our years but there are a number of seemingly harmless habits we ignore and these habits can  that can ruin our efforts.

In this article, you will find out five daily habits that can make you age quickly as a lady.

  1. You never wash your makeup at night

After coming home from work or an outing, you lie down for a nap and wake up in the morning with smeared mascara, broken lashes and an unpleasant feeling of a greasy film on your face. This habit can lead to unpleasant pimples, inflammation, peeling, dull complexion and dilated pores. After hours of wearing makeup, your skin needs to rest. It must be cleansed and given a good dose of hydration. So ladies, cultivate the habit of washing off your makeup before you sleep for that young and vibrant skin you want

  1. You drink a lot of coffee

Starting your morning with a fragrant cup of coffee sounds nice but it is a good idea to limit the number of times you take coffee. Coffee dehydrates the body and inhibits the excretion of toxins. This in turn causes premature skin aging. Try to reduce the cup of coffee you take or replace it with a delicious smoothie.

  1. You don’t drink much water

Water is very important for the normal function of the body. It is necessary to consume a certain amount of water every  day. Lack of water leads to premature aging, dehydration of the skin and the appearance of wrinkles. You should start your morning with a glass of water to make your skin look good and appealing.

  1. You neglect SPF creams

The ultraviolet ray of the sun is dangerous to the skin as it only causes premature aging and can lead to cancer. Often times, we buy skin care products without checking if they have SPF. As a lady, try to choose skin care products with sufficient protection.

  1. Sleep deprivation

Do you know that you need you need eight hours of sleep everyday to stay healthy but this cannot be achieved when you have the habit of sleeping late and waking up early. Four hours of sleep is not enough for you to fully recover from the previous day and gather strength and energy for the new ones.






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