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4 Major Effects of Single Parenthood On Children




There are major effects that single parenthood can have on children.

A child’s security should always be tied to their home  first and  foremost before any other place. Once a child’s security is jeopardized at home, it can impact and affect them negatively.

Some children internalize happenings in their childhood and it can begin to affect them longterm even when they’ve grown up and are now responsible for themselves.


These are some of the effects of single parenthood on children

Effects of single parenthood

Low self Esteem

Children who grow up with single parents might not be able to understand how a healthy marriage or relationship looks like and so are unable to attract one as young adults.

They naturally do not believe in healthy relationships because they’ve not seen ones for themselves so they walk around with a lowered expectation.

Sometimes these expectations even extends beyond relationships and stretches to everyone around them.

People can only relate with what they know and because they do not know what a healthy  relationship looks like, it might be difficult for them to even keep one.


Their self esteem issues can also stem from not getting enough attention form their parents. It is important that as a single parent, you’re as present as you can be for your children.

Low Finance

A lot of single parent grapple with low income. The survive on limited funds because it is just one single income. When their is not enough money to take care of the children and give them everything they want , they can miss out on important activities that their peers are engaging in.

It might also be difficult to get new school items  or even afford to pay form other extra curricular school activities. This will have your child feeling left out, and affect them.

Also when you as a parent is stressed, Your child is also stressed.


Children of single parents might begin to act out of character. Sometimes it is a defense mechanism to cover up for how they are truly feeling.


As a single parent, it can get rather difficult to fully stamp your leg on rules without a partner to assist you.

The children might begin to misbehave and perform badly at schools.

They can carry the pain of a parent being absentee and start to indulge in things that can alleviate their pain like drugs, sex, alcohol etc.

Low Academic Performance

A single parent is mostly too busy trying to cater for the family that they can neglect other important aspects of their Children’s lives like their academic.

They can pay their school fees but might not have the time to monitor their academics.


This negligent act can lead to very low academic performance from the children. This is one of the common effects of single parenthood on children.

The children will also not be able to receive the help that they might like because with their academics while they are at home because of their limited time a single parent has.

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