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Five secrets of happy lovers you never knew



Five secrets of happy lovers you need to know

There are happy lovers everywhere -on our social media pages, in our social circles, and elsewhere. And watching them behave all cute and charming to each other makes us question, “how on earth are they able to remain this happy together?” Well, it is not all fake. Neither is it a tactic to chase media clout, my friend. Some lovers are genuinely happy people -independently and as a couple. Here are five secrets of happy lovers you need to know.

1. They do not compare

Happy lovers are happy with the exact type of love they share and the exact material and status they own. One of the things that steal your happiness as a couple is comparing your relationship to others. Happy lovers don’t, because who knows? What you are comparing your relationship with might be a ruse, a show for the internet likes and comments. Do this. To be happy in your love relationship, stop comparing.

2. They show compassion, care, and concern


You need to show empathy to your partner if you are to be a happy couple. Lend your lover a hand of support and compassion from time to time. There is no such thing as “too much” when it comes to caring for your lover. Go overboard in making him/her feel loved and cared for. It is one of the strong qualities of happy couples -they show each other a great deal of compassion, care, and concern. You should try this magic act.

3. They communicate -no matter what

Communication is the wheels of a great relationship. It is what keeps it moving from time to time. Happy lovers communicate always -about all things. You can’t desire a happy relationship and be all by yourself. Talk to your partner. Let your lover know how you feel. You’re happy? Great. Tell her why you are gay. You’re sad? Not bad. Tell her why you are sad. Communicating with your lover spares him/her the agony of figuring out what is wrong with you.

By communicating, you two spend more time enjoying each other’s awesome company than setting quarrels and fighting all the time.

4. They exchange gifts


Gifts and presents say so much, regardless of how cheap or expensive it is. Happy lovers constantly exchange gifts with each other. You should try it if you desire a happy relationship.

5. They are deliberate about the love and attention

Commitment is a great determiner of happiness in a love affair. Happy lovers are committed to their relationships. It is why they constantly do all it takes to make it work and work better. You should do this too if you desire a happy relationship with your amazing love.

* Bonus: spend a lot of time together to become. Happy lovers are undetachable.

So there you go, my friend: five secrets of a happy lover you need to know.


I’ll see you in the next post.

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