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Legend's Reflections

Legend’s Reflection 3 – Seasons



Legends Reflection 3: Seasons
Legend’s Reflection 3: Seasons
Legends Reflection 3: Seasons
I remember the wet face and shaky voice of a young woman who asked me ‘does my life matter?’
If you look around, everyone is asking this same question. It has even gone on to become movements such as ‘Black Lives Matter’, ‘White Lives Matter’, ‘Women Matter’, and more, you would agree with me.
Before 1920, women were not allowed to vote. For a long time, they were not to be heard. In 2021, women are Bank Chairs, leading global organizations and blazing trails. Seasons!
Once upon a time, you could not walk, eat or fend for yourself unaided, if you are reading this, you have most likely outgrown that stage.
It was unthinkable that a black man would ever be an American President, less than six years ago, a black man handed over the American presidency.
Some of our influencer friends on social media were unimportant seven years ago, today, they shape culture, opinions, and lead conversation.
From his days as a shepherd boy, David was King, however, he had to still travel the whole place with his animals, fighting lions, writing poems, learning trust, strengthening faith, leading, and learning to follow.
To become a great King, David had to go through all that process. The process made him.
He had to follow Saul (a bad leader) and serve faithfully in order to learn true leadership. He had to stoop in order to understand honor and greatness.
Are you not currently yearning for leadership?
Wouldn’t you want to be seen and heard more?
Do you probably want to be named among the influencers?
Touring TV channels delivering interviews would do your heart some good, wouldn’t it?
Legend’s Reflection 2: Money Or Impact?
No doubt, you are right to desire these things. David probably did too even as a shepherd, however, he understood the concept of stooping before conquering.
Fame, money, and power can fall on your lap right now, however, if you have not before now, mastered stooping, followership, and seasons, your shine will be temporary!
Those who shine the longest are those who served the longest.
Take the law of the farm, for example, there is a season to till the ground, plant, water, harvest, and even sell. You can’t jump the gun and expect not to be hit by a bullet.
Greatness is NOT a destination, it is a process (journey). This process brings you into different seasons where you need to master at least one thing.
As a junior staff, that’s a season…
As a senior member of staff, it’s a season…
As a manager, it’s a season…
As a deputy, it’s a season…
As a leader, it’s a season…
If you don’t master the lessons from a season and adjust before that season is over, you will fumble in your next season.
I have only reflected today on the power of followership. Sometimes, you feel less but that’s also a very necessary season you needed to go through.
Who are you following? Are you following faithfully? Are you beefing? Do you believe you can do better? Are you plotting or disrespectful? Are you undermining them because you can?
Remember, this phase is a needed season for your upcoming season, you would do well to be the best follower that you can be, even with your friends!
If you like today’s episode of Legend’s Reflection 3 – Seasons, please let me know. Your feedback can propel me to do more. Please let me know
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