Daniel Etim Effing And Toyosi (How They Met And Their Journey So Far)
3 years agoon

In an Interview with Stephanie coker, Toyosi revealed that she met Daniel Etim Effiong on Instagram. She said that she sympathizes with those that are crushing on her husband because he’s not attainable again as he is now married. She also stated in the interview that she was jealous one time when Daniel kissed an actress in a movie. She added that the kiss looked so real.
Toyosi met Daniel face to face on a set of a project in Lagos. She said she already liked him when she saw him on her TV screen in the Ndani TV show ‘Gidi up’. Toyosi said that everybody did a good job but ‘Folarin’, which was the part Daniel played, was exceptional. From there, they started working together and since then, they have been together.
Who Is Toyosi and Daniel Etim Effiong?
Daniel is a Nigerian author and actor. He has acted in several films like Still falling, Superstar, The men’s club and even the blockbuster movie, Blood Sisters. He is married to Toyosi. Toyosi is a media personality, digital media strategist and TV producer.
The Proposal
They were in Dubai for a vacation when Daniel proposed to Toyosi. It was on his birthday and she had tried to surprise him with a cake and singing waiters. Not knowing that she had a bigger surprise waiting for her. Just as planned, the waiters came in singing a happy birthday song for Daniel but confusion set in when Toyosi saw one of the waiters raise a ‘Will you marry me?’.She turned back and was even more surprised to see Daniel, kneeling on one knee to ask her to be his wife. She admitted that she cried and after that, she started to ask Daniel if he was for real. According to her, she was shaking like a leaf and she never believed it could happen.
Daniel and Toyosi 2017
Shortly after the proposal, they had their traditional marriage in October 2017. It was a beautiful ceremony that showcased the Yoruba and Efik cultures. They even had a wedding hashtag #YorubaEfikMerger. They had their white wedding at the cathedral church of Christ in Marina, Lagos with the #3StrandCord. They also had their wedding party and after party at The Eventistry.
The couples love God so much. They stated that they know how important it is to put God first before the person they are marrying. They explained that their hashtag, #3StrandCord was derived from Ecclesiastics 4 Vs 12 and the 3 strand cord meant Toyosi, Daniel and God because they were all in the marriage together.
After Wedding Comes Babies
The two welcomed their first child on the 7th of January 2019, a baby girl. Daniel first dropped a teaser by posting very cute baby boots. After Toyosi delivered, she took to Instagram to share a post of herself and her baby girl. She captioned,
“Then God blessed the SEVENTH DAY and sanctified it…” My #BESTOF2019 made her precious way out on the Seventh Day of this Beautiful Year amidst major drama!!- the topic for another day! Right now I’m just still processing the concept of being a part of the creation of a living, breathing human… I’m also thinking of how different my life is… in fact all my thoughts in this very moment are deep sha LOL!! God. Is. Good. @etimeffiong ?? let’s do this again!!!! #EfikPrincess #TeamLaiSkin #OurMelaninisPickingUp #StartSavingForHerDowry #WeWillIncludeHospitalBillandTicketMoney #OkayYouThinkImJoking ?#ThankYouJesus!! #WontHeDoIt? #BabyisHere #IyaIkoko
He’s here. Our son. I’ve tried to take pretty pictures after this. I imagined I’d have my edges laid, brows brow-y, eyes lined, lashes lashed but my attempt was pretty pale in comparison to this unfiltered moment and it’s this moment for me.
“40 weeks later, welcoming this loaded king and priest to the world with sounds of ‘There is a Place’ on replay in the background.
Toyosi’s Right Fallopian Tube, Ovary, was not found.
After having her second child, the media personality shared her battle with ovarian cyst.
Toyosi’s story Part 1 and 2
“My Ovaries II I could smell sulfur and an ominous tune was playing in the background; it sounded like a pipe organ, in fact I was sure it was a pipe organ because I had grown up listening to one every Sunday at church. I was in the middle of a river, standing on a small rock with other rocks ahead of me leading to the riverbank on the other side. I skipped from rock to rock towards the other side as that seemed to be the only natural thing to do and in the strange and unusual manner of dreams, the other side became the middle of a large, parched field. The field was dry and brown and dusty with scattered clumps of dead grass that reminded me of an ill-maintained football field. Up ahead, I saw rainbow-colored spiral stairs with really bright, white light at the top and again it seemed like the natural direction to head in. I walked towards it and up the stairs- the smell of sulfur and the sound of the organ both long gone by now.”
“As I inched closer to the light at the top of the stairs, I suddenly felt resistance in front of me. I couldn’t go any further and then I felt a gentle shove that sent me spiraling back down the stairs. I woke up on the operating table in the theatre at the same time that I hit the bottom of the rainbow-colored, spiral stairs in the dream and immediately broke into spontaneous praise. “JESUS is LORD!”, “GOD is real!” are two things I remember saying repeatedly before the gibberish started. Don’t do drugs people, don’t do drugs because the next thing that happened was me pointing and laughing at the hospital staff saying they each had two heads. It must have been the morphine or some other drug but yes, everyone around me had 2 heads and I was pointing and laughing hysterically as they wheeled me out to the recovery room. Suffice to say the surgery was a success, or so I thought.
Part 3
She posted another pregnancy picture with Her ovaries part 3 story.
“Thank you so much for the prayers, well wishes, love… 🙏🏾 I’m feeling kinda shy right now tbh but yeah, let’s carry on. My Ovaries Part III Seven years later in Ontario I was once again on an operating table; this time for a semi-emergency C-Section to get our baby out because my blood pressure had spiked and my midwives had handed me over to an OB/GYN. I’m #TeamMidwives by the way, especially in developed countries… actually only in developed countries… and now I’m feeling bad for the developing countries but yes in developed countries, I’ll choose midwives over a GP especially if they’re anything like the team I had the last time which I think is how all midwives in those parts are trained to be. They’re less… clinical. My team were like my big sisters, visits were warm and friendly, they were very attentive and seemed genuinely interested in me. I didn’t feel like just another patient, I felt seen and heard. They even paid home visits as part of their routine and then checked on me every week for six weeks post childbirth! Yeah, I loved and still love my midwives!”
Part 4
“Part IV I’ve told a few friends that I know- for a fact- that my life would have been different if I knew I had just one ovary. How incomplete I would have felt. How I’d have probably relocated to Redemption Camp until I got the ovary back. I certainly wouldn’t have lived my happy-go-lucky, traveling-on-a-whim life and I most certainly would have jeopardized any chances of being in a relationship. “Hey, how are you doing? My name is Brian, what’s your name?” “Hey, I have one ovary.” 😐 That, to me is how I figured most conversations would have gone, that’s if Brian even saw me. Where would Brian have seen me? I say I would have become a worker at Redemption Camp (ORI OKE) waiting for my miracle if I knew in 2012 that I had one ovary!!!”
“Thankfully”, I didn’t know, so my jet-set youth went unencumbered. I guess “Ignorance being bliss” worked in my favour. When Dr Wu asked me about it on the operating table, I stared at him blankly for a few seconds not understanding what he was saying and then light began to filter into my mind slowly. Did this mean they took out an ovary in Lagos without telling me? Wait, I’ve been living with one ovary? So wait, I was able to conceive with one ovary? No intervention, no waiting period? Was this even possible?.. My thoughts were interrupted by Oreofe’s cry. I had co-created with GOD. I had birthed life. My daughter, a child from my body, from my womb was here and she was crying. Nothing else mattered.”
Part 5 and Final Part
“Part V I didn’t see Dr Wu until days later when I went to have my stitches checked. I had been busy tending to the newborn but the question he asked had popped in my mind from time to time. If I had any doubt about the question or perhaps thought I had imagined it, the final report cleared that doubt. After writing about the incision and centimetres and all the other required medical details, clearly written in black and white was something like- “Left Fallopian tube and ovary intact, right tube and ovary not found”. To be honest, there are some things you see that make you question if they have another meaning. Not Found. What did Not Found mean? As in, they didn’t find it or it was found… not. In that moment, I truly wondered what Not Found meant but I didn’t have to wonder for long. During our chat, he broke it down concisely- Not Found meant Not Found. They didn’t see it. It wasn’t there. Simples.”
“He was surprised that I hadn’t been told after the Lagos surgery and he didn’t need me to tell him I was surprised as well. My deep Yoruba sighs were more than sufficient- Hmmm… Hmmm… It took a lot of self-will not to blurt out, “O ga o” and “Aiye ma nika” but yeah. That, my friends, is how I found out about my singular ovarian situation. One of my first ports of call when I got back to Lagos was the hospital. The surgeon who had carried out the operation wasn’t around but there was a senior specialist there who I had seen post-surgery and who still recognized me. I’ll keep this short. I shared what happened with him, he pulled up my file, stared at the screen for a little while and then casually and rather dismissively said, “I think you should just thank GOD that you’ve been able to have a baby”. I was weak. All the fight that I had walked into the hospital with disappeared once I heard that. I got up in a semi-zombie-like state, got into my car and went straight home and that was it. That was it. —- Final part next 🤍”
Life After
Even after everything, Toyosi and Daniel have a beautiful family with two lovely kids. They love God and involve him in everything concerning their life.
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