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Best Tips to Slide into Your Crush’s DMs



slide into your crush's dms

A lot of people get into this situation from time to time. Either there’s someone you know in real life you’re attracted to, or you saw their profile on the internet, and you want to start something with them. That starts with a conversation. As easy as it was to type that, having the actual conversation with someone you find attractive is literally like walking through a land mine, a wrong step and everything ends in flames. Here are some tips that will help you slide into their DMs and make you memorable.

  1. Don’t slide in off a selfie.

If you’re being tempted to comment on the selfie, don’t. That’s where the majority of their DM traffic usually comes from. What makes your ’emoji’ different from the others? Even if their physical appearance is what attracted you to them in the first place, there are better ways to make an excellent first impression. Being attentive and thoughtful will help you get a long way.

  1. You can slide in off a Celebration.

Sliding up on this post has got to be one of the easiest ways to break the ice for your first DM. Whether they’re celebrating a graduation, their birthday, or any other holiday, send them your warmest wishes. It’s thoughtful of you that you came out, but it’s still really casual and easygoing. Plus, the timing is ideal because they are most likely already in a good mood. It’s simple, yet it’s effective. Keep in mind that not everyone is excited for the holidays or other traditionally celebrated occasions, so to be safe, wait for them to post on their story first.

  1. Add them to your close friends.

Add your crush to your ‘Close Friends’ list. It demonstrates that you want them to be closer to you even though you may not know them right now. Without saying anything, you’ve implied that you trust them with seeing a part of you that not everyone else who follows you can. Also, if you’re not ready to do it yourself, this is another subtle way to prod them into making the initial move in the DMs.

  1. Interact with their stories

Interасtive stickers have been added to Instagram Stories, giving it a new vibe. If sliding into their DMs directly still seems intimidating, participating in their polls, answering their questions, or asking a question yourself is another way to demonstrate interest. If you’re still not convinced, consider this: they’ve already started the conversation and even provided a suggestion. All you have to do now is respond.

  1. I do not like all their pictures.

If you’ve come upon a stunning person on Instagram and are considering liking all of their photos, you should think again. When someone likes multiple photos of you dating back a few years and comments on each one, it appears stаlker-ish if you want to attract their attention, like one or two recent photos and leave a single comment.

  1. Don’t flood them with compliments.

It’s OK to express how you feel about their appearance or anything else you’ve seen on their profile. However, if you start sending them too many compliments, you’ll only come out as clingy. Also, please don’t fall into the trap of admiring their appearance a little too much. They may believe you are shallow and admire them solely for their attractive face or body.

  1. Stop texting if they don’t reply.

We’ve all had that one person who sends “hello” texts regularly and isn’t bothered if you don’t respond. This isn’t going to make your crush want to respond, and it’s only going to push them away even more. In other words, if you notice that there is no chemistry, you should accept it and go on.

  1. Support what they do.

Instagram businesses use their Stories for further promotion in addition to a business page or a promotion post. Apart from investing in their business, there are several ways to support their craft. Slide up on their story to comment on their latest blog post or let them know you listened to the most recent episode of their podcast. If you’re feeling brave, you can even repost and tag their artwork or business on your own story. Not only are they obligated to respond, but it also demonstrates that you are interested in and supportive of what they do.

  1. Plan your responses wisely.

When you first start talking to someone, you might think it’s a good idea to immediately respond to each of their texts without giving them space. Alternatively, you may wish to appear mysterious and frequently leave the person hanging. Both of these tactics may cause trouble and portray you as either desperate or losing interest. Respond in a usual manner and allow the conversation to flow naturally.

  1. Remember that DMs aren’t dating app.

Remember that, while you may be looking for a love relationship, the other person does not currently feel the same. If you’re on Tinder, you already know you’re looking for the same thing, so it’ll be simple to turn the chat romantic. However, if you message someone on their social media (Twitter, Facebook, Instagram), you have no way of knowing if they seek the exact item as you. They may develop an interest in you over time and develop a love interest in you. Still, they may perceive you as a buddy with whom they can have casual conversations and are uninterested in anything romantic for various reasons.


First off, you need to understand that it is alright to slide into the DMs of someone you like as long as you do it respectfully. How else will you start a conversation with someone you haven’t met? Stalking? Please, I didn’t say that. That was a joke. Aside from all these tips, as long as you aren’t creepy or annoying, you’ll get a positive response if the person feels you too.

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