7 Ways To Identify If You Have A Crush On Someone
3 years agoon

Haven’t we all been there before? Having a secret crush on someone.
Having a crush on someone is a pretty exciting experience and it can be a beautiful thing almost as much as it can get frustrating.
Sometimes you’re not even aware you have a crush on someone until people point it out to you and that can get really embarrassing for you.
There are some signs that can help you identify if you have a crush on someone.
Let’s Explore then quickly below:
1. They are always in your thoughts
If you have a crush on someone you’re goin to find yourself thinking about them a lot. They’re going to pop into your thought at random times and you might even get confused at first. This is because a crush means you’re attracted somewhat to the person of interest and naturally you will think about that you are attracted to. You might even find yourself day dreaming about them or and even dreaming about them at night when you sleep. This is definitely one of the first sure signs that you have a crush on someone.
2. You Crave Their Attention
You want them to notice you all the time. You might find yourself wishing for an eye contact or for them to notice a particular detail about you. Little things like the person of interest remembering your name can make your heart swell with joy. When you’re not able to get their attention, you might even find yourself doing things that are uncharacteristic of you just to get that attention. You might become too loud or form a mysterious air around you to make yourself look interesting. You will also pay more attention to how you look because you want them to view you as an attractive individual.
3. Do you get shy when you are around this person?
It’s just nerves probably. Or maybe it’s the dreaded butterflies. A very famous way of identifying if you have a crush on someone is if you feel nervous around them. Your normally confident personality might suddenly become too shy. Your heart starts to race when they’re close to you and you might find yourself unable to speak to them or stammering when you actually do. You are looking for ways to not embarrass yourself because you like them and you might end up doing too little around them.
4. You listen to them
You want to listen to someone you like when they’re talking naturally. This is because you want to become privy to their own ideologies and view points. If you are someone who is really opinionated and have strong view points about a particular subject and you find out that they have a contrary opinion to yours but you’re still willing to listen, then it’s very possible you have a crush on them.
5. You get jealous when you see them with somebody else
You don’t want to see them talking to another person in an intimate way. This is especially true if the person that they’re talking to is good looking, fun and smart. All of these are traits that can be attractive. If you find yourself seething and your chest burning when you see an interaction between the person of interest and another individual, then their is a huge possibility that you have a crush on the person.
6. You want to close to them
If you have a crush on someone, you just want to be close to them. If you’re in a room with them, you will find yourself gravitating slowly towards them or wishing that the room could be smaller so you can be close to them.
You want to see them all the time and you want to have an opportunity to talk to them or have them talk to you. If you’re always excited about seeing them or being close to them, then you probably have a huge crush on them.
7. You notice everything about them
Their are tiny details that make up a person that can easily be over looked but, when you have a crush on someone, you notice everything. You notice details that your friends and others would even be surprised to know. You know about the tiny mark on their forehead, you know that they like drinking juice with a straw, you know their favorite dishes and so forth. This is because when you’re looking them, you want to remember everything so you subconsciously soak in their little activities into your system.
If you find yourself doing all or some of these things to a person, then it’s absolutely possible that you have a big crush on the person.
It’s okay to have crushes. It’s a part of life. Embrace it fully always but also learn to differentiate it from love so you don’t get confused or heartbroken.