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Men: Here’s The Best Relationship Advice For Them



Early last week, I wrote on relationship advice for women, well, the men are not left out, and this is especially for the men and the young g’s out there in a relationship or looking to get into one. We already know that men and women react differently to various situations, so when it comes to relationship advice, some things may work for women and not be the best advice for men.

The differences in us are what makes our relationships interesting and fun, and sometimes, though, these differences also confuse us. To help with the parts that can be confusing, these are the best relationship advice for men:

  1. Don’t insult her feelings.

Several men appear to invalidate the feelings of their partner. They might say for instance, ‘That’s a dumb thing to be angry about’ or, ‘I can’t believe you’re upset,’. Instead, by apologizing for being the cause of the emotion without admitting guilt, strive to validate the feelings of your spouses.

To say something like, for instance, “I’m sorry my actions caused you to feel upset, that wasn’t my intention,” it not only sounds much better, it doesn’t cause more arguments.

  1. Stand up or defend her and others.

If a man sees a problem that needs to be resolved, he should move forward and cope with it. If your wife is being disrespected, women always appreciate a man standing up to call the disrespectful person out. To defend and protect her, make sure you’re there. That’s not to suggest that she can’t protect herself, it just means that chivalry isn’t dead (if you’re into retro movies like I am, you must have heard the phrase before).

  1. Talk about what bothers you.

Another common tendency in relationships that many men have is to shut down and withdraw when they feel hurt instead of discussing it with their partner. No one benefits from silence or keeping things that bother you bottled up. Instead, take 10 – 30 minutes to calm down and work your feelings out to put them into words. Th explains how you feel to your partner so you can quickly sort it out.

  1. Share with your partner.

Men are well known for their nature of withholding their needs/emotions/fears/hopes. But times have changed, and a man who can talk about his feelings is what the majority of women want and need.

Men may worry they’ll appear weak and trust me; this happens more often than not. It’s, however, more likely their partner will see strength in their ability to be open and honest. It’ll make both people feel closer and more supported.

  1. Don’t take her disinterest in sex personally.

You might feel like you’re not getting the attention you want but if your wife is preoccupied with work, kids, errands, or just life in general; it’s not that she doesn’t care for you or love you, but it isn’t easy to put all that aside. While having time and intimacy with your partner alone is crucial, understand how difficult it might be for her to refocus her energy on you and don’t take it as a sign of rejection.

  1. Listen to your partner.

To have a successful relationship with a woman as a man, he needs to let go of the nature to fix problems as they arise and become better active listeners. We’ve heard it a lot of time that women want men to listen and not fix the problem.

Sometimes, the best way we can show support is simply being there for someone and not telling them what to do or how they should feel. Some problems can not always be fixed, but listening is a way you can help.

  1. Be decisive

Not only when it comes to choosing a restaurant or what movie to watch, but also talking about wider choices in life. A man who avoids making choices is skirting his obligations, and that’s how many women see it too.

Don’t be someone that dilly-dallies when it comes to issues related to career, family, or even the relationship itself. This is a total turnoff for a lot of women.

  1. Do your part in helping out.

Women have a lot that they deal with between taking care of the kids, cooking dinner, and holding the house together, not to mention working for those that are not housewives. Women want to be your mate, and they don’t want to take care of another male. Her immense relief is going to show whenever you help out in any way, and she truly appreciates it. Please don’t wait till she asks. Do it willingly and intentionally.

  1. Make her feel special.

It doesn’t matter how you do this; you just have to do it. I know that a lot of men are not always led to express themselves emotionally, you have to make an effort to let you partner know how much you like them by being around them and taking care of them. You can show this through words or actions. To many women, this is their oxygen, and you should always try to make your woman feel loved.

Understand, however, that every woman is different and even with all these tips and advice, your own judgement will still come into play a lot of time, love and light, Wonder.

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