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Rejection And How To Handle It



Rejection sucks.

Everyone at some point has experienced the hurt that comes from getting rejected.

Today, we are going to hammer on the importance of using your rejection be better.

You see, while rejection really does hurt, the way you respond to it can turn things around and can determine the rest of your future.


Are you going to stay in a corner and cry over your rejection or are you going to take charge of your own narrative?

5 Ways You Can Overcome Rejection

Allow Yourself Feel The Emotions

Do not try to downplay your feelings. It’s always a wrong ideas. Give yourself time to feel every negative emotion. Do not suppress or try to ignore your feelings.

Admit to yourself that you’re down, dejected, ashamed and so forth.

These are all uncomfortable emotions but you have to be emotionally strong to admit that you’re feeling them. Once you’re able to admit your feelings to yourself, you can then begin to move on from it.

The best way to grow most times is in uncomfortable situations.


See Rejection as A Mark Of Yourself Breaking Boundaries

If you’re not living your life, you will hardly get rejected.

You got rejected because you put yourself out there. You’d e died to break some boundaries and ask for more. That takes a lot of courage .

Rejection is a part of life, you will not always h e people say Yes to what you want.

But you ask then anyway. You ask then and you hope that you’re accepted.

That takes a lot of boldness which you should not take for granted.


If you’ve never ever gotten rejected then maybe, you’re living too much in your comfort zone. Part of pushing limits is getting rejected. And it also helps fuel you to do better and do things differently.

Be Compassionate To Yourself

Don’t be mad at yourself for putting yourself out there to get rejected. Be kind and nice and warm to yourself.

Do not fill your brain with negative self talks. Be more affirmative and positive.

Beating yourself down for getting rejected will only make you feel worse. Most times too, it’s not about you, it has a lot to do with the person who rejected you.

You should speak to yourself the way you will talk to your child or your close friend when they feel down. With so much gentleness and kindness.


Learn From Your Rejection

Every single thing that happens in life, if you look really closely, you will see a lesson to be learnt.

Same goes for rejection.

You should always ask yourself questions like

“What can I learn from this?


Yes it hurts but it can be a big avenue for you to grow yourself and become much better and stronger.

Getting rejected can be a good teacher. After dealing with all the negative emotions, you can then begin to sift through things you could have done better and areas you went wrong.

Use it as a leverage to grow yourself more powerfully.

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