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4 Reasons You Might Have Been Rejected After A Date




Getting rejected sucks! It sucks big time.

Imagine this scenario; After  a date, you wait expectantly for a phone call that will fix a second date. You’re hoping that things went so smoothly that you will be asked on a second date.

However, you wait. And wait. And wait some more. But you do not get the call you hope you will get.


Now you’re left wondering what might have gone wrong during the date that could have steered your date away.

Most times it’s not even about you. But sometimes, let’s be realistic, it is a teeny tiny bit about you and what you did during the date.

Why you got rejected

These Are The 4 Reasons Your Date Did Not Get Back To You After A First Date

You Were Doing Too Much Too Soon

Sometimes the problem is not that you’re doing too much, the problem is that you’re doing too much, too soon.

If it’s a first date, it shouldn’t be fast paced or too serious no matter how much you like the person in question.

When you start talking about things like marriage and babies on a first date, you can scare your date away. Maybe the reason you got rejected is because you were having overly serious conversations. For a commitment phobic person, you can have them running the other way.


The Conversation sucked

That’s just it. Communication is everything. A person can fall in love with you based on their interactions and conversations with you. A person can also stop liking you instantly based on their conversations with you.

People are attracted to different things and maybe your conversation pattern just isn’t doing it for them. It might something they’re not familiar with.

During conversations, it is important that you are you true, authentic self. You should join in the conversation, don’t just stick to safe monosyllabic answers and words.

Most people are attracted to people who can hold intelligent conversations but at the same time, you shouldn’t over play your intelligence so that you don’t scare people away.

Your Outfit/ Appearance

Let’s not lie to ourselves. What’s in the inside matters, but what’s on the outside matters a lot too.


For a date, you definitely want to look attractive. You should pay attention to your outfit. It’s not being vain, it’s you being intentional about having a good date.

You don’t want to be too sexy, but at the same time you should not look too modest. Find a balance somewhere.

You Talked About Your Ex

Why you get rejected

This is a big deal breaker for a majority of people during first dates.

There’s absolutely no reason why your ex should be a topic during a date. The only valid reason is if you share a child or children with them.

Talking about your gives off the impression that you’re not over them. Nobody wants to start a relationship with someone who is still hung up over their ex.


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