6 Things That Are Actually Not Red Flags
2 years agoon

Today, it seems like almost everyone find certain done by their partners are potential partners as a red flag.
Now, acts, behaviors and statements are now cross checked and cross examined so badly that it’s hard to tell what are red flags and what are actually not red flags.
Below are things that are actually not red flags;
He Sucks At Texting
First of all, before you see this as a red flag, maybe just maybe he’s more into phone conversations than texting. It’s also very possible that he’s consumed by work. That does not mean that you’re not important to him. He might not even know throat what he’s doing is upsetting to you, so it’s best to tell him how you’re feeling. Be honest and be specific.
If her really loves you he will work at improving his bad texting habits.
He Still Lives At Home
Well…this one would definitely depend on how old he is.
Because he still lives with his parents does not mean he’s broke or has no plans of one day staying on his own.
Maybe, he’s trying to save money for his future apartment and invest it in other things instead of paying or buying or a house immediately.
You should give it a time and see if he has plans to one day get his own place instead of making drastic decisions.
You Can’t Find Him On Social Media
Calm down. When we start talking to someone new, the first thing we naturally want to do is stalk their social media accounts and find out if they have any hidden cobwebs.
It’s okay to be alarmed if you can’t find them on social media. You might start to wonder if they’re truly who they say they are.
But, before you take any hasty decisions, you should ask him why and try to know him better.
Everyone isn’t a social media person and it’s possible that he’s no social media, but, his photos are not available.
He occasionally talks about his ex
We’ve all been trained to believe that once a man starts talking about his ex even for a short while, that it means he’s still in love with her.
That could not have been farther from the truth.
His ex was once an important aspect of his life and sometimes, involuntarily he might find himself talking about her.
It’s not because he has not gotten over her, it’s just because she was once a part of his past life and if he’s talking to you about his last life, it might naturally show up.
He has female friends
Not all guys that have female friends actually get intimate them.
He could just be a man that enjoys the company of a woman, which means that he respects and enjoys the relationship that you guys have or will potentially have.
You can ask him for honesty and also watch him yourself for a while before making a decision concerning his relationship with his female friends.
He doesn’t pay all the time
Now, it’s ideal that your man pays for dinner or whatever you guys indulge in most of the time. But, you shouldn’t expect him to pay every time.
Once in a while, it’s okay for you to foot the bills for something you both share.
Imagine if he is your potential partner, he gets to foot thousands of other bills down the line. It’s okay to take care of one or two occasional ones.