Love Or Money? Which Is Better?
3 years agoon

People will easily shout money immediately because nobody wants to suffer but firstly, if money is all there is in your relationship then you are going to suffer. You have everything materially, yes, but you are going to lack in every other area and if you get married, your children will feel it too. Being able to experience love is very important when you want to be happy.
Some people are not as concerned about love as others. Most people who believe that money is better than love in a relationship are people who think money is the glue that holds partners together. Love is more important in a relationship but you need to make money to enjoy it. People stay happy without money but people don’t stay happy without love.
Money is temporary. It comes and goes, what happens in those situations? You will find out that you can’t even tolerate the person till they get money again. Money is important in a relationship but a relationship should be built on the foundation of love.
Money plays a big role, in fact, they go hand in hand. Love is not the only thing keeping the relationship healthy. There is Respect, good communication, honesty and also money. How do you express yourself if you don’t;t have money to do so? How do you give gifts? How do you plan to provide or support when the relationship leads to marriage? It still boils down to money. You don’t have to be extremely rich, you need money to do things.
The Importance Of Love
Love and affection are something everyone should experience in their lifetime. Finding someone you want to spend your entire life with, bonding with them and sharing everything makes a big difference in your overall happiness. It is beautiful to have someone who is always going to be there for you. Family and friends love and they are always there for you but romantic love makes you feel like a complete person.
Some people have had bad experiences so they have given up. Love can make you feel low when things end in your relationship or when you are betrayed by the one you love. People will say that money will never betray you and that is right. This is why you need to find the balance. Love and Money perform different functions so they can coexist.
Finding a balance is what is going to make you truly happy. Nothing else. Love doesn’t pay the bills and money cannot buy love so the two have to be involved and balanced. Balance your career goals with your relationship goals so that things are much easier. Spend time with your partner and also focus on the job that gives you money. Money is not something that can give you comfort when you are feeling down but love can. Humans are social creatures so y nature, it is normal to desire love.
At the end of it all, it boils down to the person and their interest. What do they value more? Do they value love? Is love enough? The Ultimate Choice is really up to you.