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How To Spot Narcissistic Traits In A Partner



Spotting narcissistic traits in a partner can be difficult to recognize. Narcissism is a personality disorder characterized by excessive self-love, lack of empathy, and a strong sense of entitlement.

You might even find yourself making excuses for them because they can  be both very charming and very manipulative.

However there are telltale certain signs and behaviors that can indicate that your partner may be a narcissist;

Overly Exaggerated Self Importance:

Narcissistic individuals often display grandiose or exaggerated sense of self-importance, they see themselves as superior to others and expect special treatment, recognition and respect.


Constant need for admiration and attention:

Narcissists always  crave attention and validation from others. You will find them engaging in attention-seeking behavior. They are often preoccupied with fantasies of power success and attractiveness.

Lack of empathy and consideration for others:

Narcissists tend to be self-absorbed in their own world and completely lack any form of empathy for the feelings and needs of others. They are inconsiderate and twill resort to manipulation  or exploitation of others to reach their own goals.

Obsession with power, control, and status:

They have a strong desire for control and power over others and may engage in power plays or manipulations to achieve their goals. They also have a need to be in high-status positions and to associate with high-status people.

Exploitative behavior towards others for their own gain:

Narcissists may use others for their own benefit, without considering the impact of their actions on those around them. They may take advantage of others for personal gain and may be extremely ruthless when working to achieve it.

A tendency to play the victim or blame others:

They may play the role of the victim in order to gain sympathy, attention, or to manipulate others. They often blame others for their problems and avoid taking responsibility for their own actions.


Difficulty accepting criticism or responsibility for mistakes:

They have a strong need to maintain their image and may react defensively or aggressively to criticism or to the suggestion that they have made a mistake. They may also find it hard to apologize or admit fault.

Lack of concern for the feelings or needs of others:

They may disregard the feelings and needs of others and may be insensitive in their interactions. They may be selfcentered and not consider the impacts of their behavior on others.

Inconsistent or volatile behavior and mood swings:

They may have mood swings and display spontaneous behaviors including outbursts of anger or aggression. Their behaviors may be inconsistent and they may have trouble maintaining stable relationship.

Believing they are superior or special and have a need to associate with people of high status:

They believe they are superior to others and have need to associate with people of high status or power . They may have a sense of entitlement and believe they deserve the best of everything.

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