How Should Money Work In Your Relationship?
3 years agoon

Money isn’t everything. Yes…we know. But it sure does help a lot doesn’t it?
In a relationship, the role of finances can never be downplayed.
It’s just like African artist Davido croons in his song Assurance where he says
“Love is sweet ooo, when money enter love is sweeter”
No matter how good your relationship might seem, more money will most likely make it better but sometimes it can be really difficult navigating financial issues in a relationship.
Even life long families have occasional issues because of their finances, so, it is no surprise that a lot of issues that occur in relationships is also rooted in money. Many relationships have ended because of monetary issues which makes it an extremely important element in any relationship.
How can one make their relationship work and also thrive without money ever being a problem factor.
These Are 5 Ways You Can Make Relationship And Money Work Together
1. Be honest about your current financial status
For a relationship to work, honesty needs to exist in it. You must be honest with your partner about how much you earn, and how much you are willing to let go off on a consistent basis if you want your relationship to thrive. Communicate if their are outstanding debts to be paid off and lease with your partner at the best approaches to tackle your financial problems. Do not leave them out of the loop and give them a shocker in the end.
2. Talk about your money goals
You should work hand in hand with your partner to set short term and long term money goals. It could be various things; from buying a new apartment, to paying rent, traveling and even getting a new car. All these are expenses that can be budgeted upon and planned for accordingly.
3. Own A Joint Account
Having a separate account is great especially because of the independence it gives but it is also important that as a couple you have a joint account. This account will be meant to cater joint needs that you guys have or even individual needs. Each person would be made aware of any money leaving the account. Hence, you can save comfortably and remove money too comfortably from the account without making a lot of fuss.
4. Share money responsibilities
To keep financial issues at the barest minimum, you should consider sharing the financial burdens with your partner.
You both must know answers to questions like how you will divide payment for utilities, who is responsible for making the rent payment in time and more
5. Review finances occasionally
You can spend or save all you want as a couple but if you do not review your finances from time to time, it can create issues. This is more so because of the constantly changing economy and responsibilities that keep increasing.It is essential to review your savings and goals periodically as a couple. When you do this, you will be able to stay on top of all your finances and tackle financial issues before they escalate.