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Davido Drags Sophia Momodu To Court




David Adeleke, popularly known as Davido, has initiated legal proceedings against Sophia Momodu, the mother of his first child, Imade.

Filed by his legal team, including Dr. Olaniyi Arije and Okey Barrah, at the Lagos State High Court on April 17, 2024, Davido is seeking joint custody of his daughter, Miss Imade Adeleke. Alternatively, he is requesting unrestricted access to his daughter.

The case, identified as LD/1587PMC/2024, lists Davido as the applicant and Sophia Momodu as the respondent.


In his originating motion, Davido acknowledged his past relationship with Momodu, which resulted in the birth of their daughter on May 14, 2015.

Despite their separation, Davido emphasized his commitment to their child’s welfare as a responsible father.

Davido detailed his financial contributions, including the payment of Imade’s school fees to ensure her education and the provision of funds for the apartment where Momodu and their daughter reside.

In a significant gesture of his commitment, Davido offered Momodu a N200 million apartment in a secure condominium in Oniru, Victoria Island, Lagos, which she declined. Instead, she insisted on an annual payment of N5 million for a rented facility.

Further illustrating his dedication, Davido mentioned purchasing a Range Rover SUV for Imade and Momodu’s use.


When the vehicle was reported to be in poor condition, he provided an additional Highlander SUV and N5.8 million for the Range Rover’s repairs. Beyond these, Davido has covered living expenses, nanny fees, medical care, insurance, and international travel costs for Imade.

Despite his efforts, Davido claims that Momodu has continued to make excessive demands, including a request for $800 per month for the nanny’s salary, totaling $19,600 annually to be paid upfront.

Davido expressed frustration over these demands and described them as part of a pattern of unwarranted cruelty and pain inflicted by Momodu.

In his plea to the court, Davido highlighted his consistent support and contributions towards ensuring a better life for his daughter, seeking a fair resolution to secure joint custody or at least guaranteed access to Imade.

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