Pastor's Take On Love
David Oyedepo Reveals Why Feminists Should Not Get Married
2 years agoon

David Oyedepo, back in 2021, shared some insights on his stance on feminists who plan to get married.
He revealed that the concept of feminism does not conform with what is written in the Bible and that it should be considered a wrong revolution.
David Oyedepo pleaded with Christian women to not get swayed by the community and join the movement. He added that they might never be able to have or keep a good home if they joined the feminist movement.
In his own words, this is what he had this to say,
“I’ve shouted today on feminine revolution. Don’t join that club. You may never have a good home in it,”
“You better join the kingdom revolution, the kind that we of the old school are using. It is working for me.”
He also advised Christian men to love their wives the same way Christ loved the church and for the women to submit willingly to their husbands .
According to him, the feminine revolution will only elicit frustration which will finally lead to destiny devastation.
He concludes his stance by saying this,
“No book on earth will ever overtake the Bible. It is the eternal truth. While the earth remains, the truth of scriptures remains in force. You either choose to follow or go your way. We can do nothing against the truth but for the truth at all times,”
“So, If feminine revolution is your vision, don’t attempt to get married because it won’t work.