A First Date; 15 Questions You Should Never Ask
3 years agoon

Going on a date is an exciting experience. Most times at least.
A first date however, comes with some measure of anxiety attached to it.
You are just getting to know each other, so, everything will seem a little unnatural which is completely understandable.
Have you ever been on a date before and wished you knew all the right questions to ask?
More than knowing the right questions to ask, knowing the right questions to avoid is even more important.
These are the 15 questions you should never ask on your date.
1. Don’t ask your date about their exes.
While this might seem tempting, refrain from doing it. You can open a whole can of worms and make the conversation awkward.
2. Don’t ask your date about their finances.
You will come off as being materialistic. It can be an upsetting to your date especially if you they are currently experiencing some financial difficulties.
3. Don’t ask questions about their sex life.
This is an absolute DO NOT. This can have your date running everywhere but in your direction. You do not want to be seen as unserious and tactless.
4. Don’t ask them why they’re currently single.
Why does this matter? Your focus should be on the date and the moment you’re having with them. Asking your date about the reason for their relationship status can be extremely triggering for some people.
5. Don’t ask them about who they’re currently talking to.
You should be interested but not invested. Asking them questions about other relationship interest does not look good on you and can make you look desperate. You don’t want to seem too invested in them, remember, this is just a First Date.
6. Don’t ask your date questions that involve religion.
While, this is an extremely important ground to cover, it can be daunting to talk about on a first date. You can talk about in the consequent dates that will follow after the initial one.
7. Don’t ask about their age.
Let them tell you. If they wanted you to know, you would. If the first date progresses to a relationship, it is only natural that you ask. It’s all about the timing.
8. Avoid the cliche “Tell me about yourself” statement.
This, ultimately is one of the most exhausting conversation to have. It seems robotic and does not make you stand out from others. Ask specific questions instead.
9. Don’t ask for compliments.
You don’t want to seem too needy or an attention seeker. Fishing for compliments or asking for one is not a classy look on anyone. You should allow them compliment you instead.
10. Don’t ask about kids and marriages.
Marriage is an intense conversation.
It is way too early on a first date to introduce such serious conversations at that stage. You can talk about marriage and other supporting factors as you progress in the relationship.
11. Don’t ask questions about politics.
This is a tentative topic and can easily lead to a cold frosty date.
12. Don’t ask them how they feel about you.
Confessions of feelings are too early during a first date. If a confession does happen, you should not be the one asking for it.
13. Don’t ask them intimate details about their work.
It is okay to ask people about their jobs but leave out the intimate parts.
14. Don’t ask them if they have ever been on a dating app.
This could be embarrassing for them to answer and they might be prompted to lie because they’re scared of being judged.
15. Don’t ask them for embarrassing details of their life.
Nobody wants to share embarrassing details of their life on a first date. At least a majority of people do not. It could trigger flashbacks they do not chose to remember which will affect the quality of conversation of the date.
Going on a first date can be nerve wracking. Knowing the right and wrong questions to ask is an excellent way to build more confidence.
Hopefully, you apply these tips the next time you have an exciting date.