11 Things You Should Never Tell A Plus Size Girl
3 years agoon

We all know a plus size girl, we have one as a friend or might even be plus size ourselves.
Plus size is a body size that is tilted more towards a bigger size and weight. This is the balance of the world and how everything is meant to be and their is absolutely nothing wrong with that.
Different weights and sizes are supposed to exist, unfortunately in this part of the world and many parts of the world for that matter, Plus size women and males are put down and made to feel bad or lesser than they are.
This is absolutely wrong and the society needs to do better.
Here’s what you don’t even know; sometimes, when you think you’re saying all the right words to a plus size person, you might actually be doing the polar opposite.
There are some words that are more patronizing that complimentary which you should never ever say to a plus sized woman. Let’s explore them;
You have a pretty face at least
That is a backhanded compliment. I bet you wouldn’t tell a slim girl that. If your aim is to compliment someone for a particular feature, then it should be devoid of comparison. Giving such compliments such as these, gives the impression that their weight isn’t something to be proud of and that they should rely instead on another prettier body part.
Contrary to what you might think, it will only make the individual feel bad.
You should try this diet
I can almost assure you that their is no diet you want to shove on a plus sized individual that they don’t already know about. Worse, they might even have tried it. It can be triggering for them to always have people suggest new diets for them to try, as if their is a part of them that needs change.
Also this is wrong because, you are naturally assuming that they want to lose weight. Lots of plus sized individuals are content and happy with their weight, and they don’t want to lose any. All that matters is being healthy, so, when you suggest diets that will make them look thinner you are stating that their is something wrong about their looks. This can be damaging to their self-confidence, especially when they’ve taken so much time to build it up.
Have you ever thought of doing a fat removal surgery?
There is no excuse for this question. A person should only be asked to perform a surgery, if there is a health risk involved. But, it they are totally healthy and the only reason you are suggesting they get a surgery to remove their fatty tissues is because you want them to have a slimmer physical appearance, then that’s totally wrong
Surgery also come with lots of risks which is why people are advised to go for one only when they have a health complications and they absolutely need one. Refrain from asking such questions.
You should not wear tight dresses
You should never seek to police a plus size individuals dress sense. They should be able to wear what they want, how they feel like wearing it without feeling like they’re going to be judged for it.
Their confidence when wearing any clothe is really all that matter.
Besides, all of these laws about what people should wear and not wear are all society constructs which can be broken if they do not feel the need to conform.
Maybe you should try losing some weight
People say this a lot, like it’s so easy to lose weight. Losing weight is one of the toughest possible things a person can do. You shouldn’t ever off handedly advise a plus size woman to do that. What if they’ve tried already?(which most likely they have). This is an extremely insensitive statement and why you might not mean it to be insensitive, it will affect them the same way.
What do you weigh now?
It might be tempting to want to know and to ask, but you shouldn’t. This could be a touchy subject for them and worse, they might be scared of being judged if they reveal what their current weight is.
People don’t go around asking other people about their weight, so what makes you think it’s okay to ask a plus sized person what they weigh?
Except you are their fitness trainer or a doctor, there is absolutely zero reasons why you should pop out that question.
I have a diet plan for you
Don’t! Just don’t do it. Your aim is to be helpful I know, but do not formulate a plan for them. What if they’re not ready to be on a diet plan? what if they don’t ever want to get into one?
It’s invasive and pushy. Let them breathe and come to decisions on their own.
Don’t worry, real women have curves
First of all, putting down other woman to highlight anther person’s beauty is distasteful. All women are real women. All women are beautiful.
While thinking this statement will be comforting, for a plus sized person, it can do the total opposite.
All they want to do is feel among with other body sizes, and yet, here you go again, excluding them.
I guarantee you will be happier if you lose slme weight
What gives off the impression that their unhappy with their weight? Tying something as abstract as happiness to physical looks is completely wrong. Happiness should stem from within, not because of what we have or we don’t have. There are girls who are have the society constructed “best” body type and yet, they battle with depression.
Also saying that to them can be misleading and can wreck their emotional and mental health. Imagine thinking your happiness was tied to how you look, and then you change it and you still feel unhappy. They could lose all the weight eventually thinking they will feel better and end up surprised when they don’t.
Your body feels so comfortable
This will only make a plus sized person feel uncomfortable and self conscious. A bed is comfortable, a pillow is comfortable, a body shouldn’t be called comfortable. Even if you are thinking it, refrain from saying it. It can be hurtful to them.
I have a preference for thicker girls
I assure you, they don’t want to hear it. While, we all have our different preferences, you should not go around announcing it and why you made your choice.
So, what happens when they lose all the weight? Are you going to jump ship to the next thick girl?
You should definitely steer clear from saying things like this.