10 Signs You Are In A Toxic Relationship
3 years agoon

It can be difficult to figure out if you’re in a toxic relationship.
Sometimes, the signs are loud enough for your see to see clearly, other times the signs can be so subtle that you do not detect them so easily.
Here are 10 signs that confirms if you’re in a toxic relationship or not.
1. Lies
How many times have you seen yourself lying in your relationship? It’s normal to tell one or two lies in a relationship, but, if you find yourself constantly needing to resort to a lie in other for you to create a peaceful atmosphere in your situation, then there is a high probability that you are indeed in a toxic situation.
Consistent Lying means you’re trying to cover up things in your relationship and a relationship founded in lies is detrimental to you in the long run.
2. You feel Controlled
Does your relationship feel like a cage to you? Do you find yourself constantly explaining yourself each time you go or step out?
This is a tell tale sign that you’re being controlled in your relationship.
Controlling partners can be very draining. They become annoyed when they can’t reach you or get you to perform an action that they want you to.
They don’t allow be your own person and always want to literally tied together with you.
Do you feel that your partner gets irately jealous? And possessive? This could be a fire sign that your partner is toxic and that you’re in a toxic situation.
3. Resentment
It’s so hard to create any form of intimacy when you’re always angry with your partner.
A relationship where you’re always arguing or do. It see eye to eye on major things can breed anger. Anger can breed resentment.
If you feel yourself experiencing a strong dislike for your partner, then you should definitely leave that relationship or at least take a break from it.
You should never be in a relationship where you feel resentment for your partner.
4. Disrespect
There are so many wants of disrespecting someone besides insulting them upfront.
You can take certain actions that can make your partner feel disrespected.
If you are in a relationship where you feel constantly picked on and slighted, it’s easy to feel disrespected. You of course have to make sure that your partner is complete oblivious to what they’re doing to you.
Forms of disrespect can be things like being late to date nights, not listening to your side of an argument, talking over you during a conversation etc.
If it’s a one time thing, no need to sweat it but if this is something that constantly happens, then you are probably in a toxic relationship.
5. Money Arguments
Are you only in disagreement with your partner based off how money is spent.
Are you the one disagreeing or is it your partner disagreeing? Regardless of who it is, it is so wrong to have arguments that rotate around money on a constant basis.
Money is a major aspect of every humans life, and so if it is not resolved in time it could lead to even bigger disagreements and extremely unhealthy environment for you and your partner.
6. Constant stress
The person you love or you’re in a relationship with should be safe place. They should make you happy or at least try to make you happy. They should contribute to your happiness most of the times not take from it.
If you’re always on the edge with them and even dream of moments when you’re not around then, then by all means run for the hills.
Life is already a stressful place to be in without any additives to make it worse.
You can try and communicate how you’re feeling to them and if they still don’t get it, then you should go on a break for a while.
7. One sided compromise
Compromise is the bedrock of any relationship. It’s an important format for couples and people in general to coexist together regardless of their diverse mindsets.
However, sometimes it can be dangerous.
If you find yourself constantly needing to offer compromises without getting any in return then you are for sure in one hell of a toxic relationship. Relationships should never be one sided.
8. Spend less time with family and friends.
If you’ve zoned your friends and family out while I’m your relationship, it could strongly lean towards you being in a toxic one.
You might not have the free time to indulge your family and you might not want to be close to them at that point because you might have to explain what’s going on in your relationship.
If you’re scared tot all about your relationship with the closes people around you, then you are definitely in a toxic situation.
While these are great important tips to note, if you really want to know if you’re in a toxic situation, think of your life with the person in the future. If thinking about your future life with them leaves you with a bad taste in your mouth as opposed to the light happy feeling you’re supposed to get, then you are definitely in an unhealthy situation that is toxic for you.
9. Lack of self-care
It’s very natural to discontinue some of your self care habits while in a toxic relationship.
When you feel like shit, it translates in how we look and how we treat ourselves.
If you’re someone who is particular about self care and suddenly find yourself going out of touch with and not really caring, then you might be in a really toxic situation.
You might remove yourself from hobbies that kept you happy or spa time that make you feel beautiful and clean.
Most times it is not done consciously and you might realize it when it’s too late.
10. Anxiety
This one is a clear one. Healthy relationships hardly bring with them anxiety, and on occasions when the anxiety comes, it’s mostly very fleeting.
However, a toxic relationship breeds the worst kind of anxiety. It can be extremely triggering for people with already existing anxiety issues and if you do not anxiety issues it can give you some.