Women: Things You Should Know About Men Part Two
4 years agoon
Earlier today, I published an article on the things women should notice and understand about men when it comes to relationships. After much thought and research, I’m here to post 15 more of these things. Understand that men are, however, different, and these things are not 100% accurate. Some of these could also work for both sexes.
- You cannot change anyone else’s behaviour. Change is intentional and comes from within.
- Don’t ever make him feel he is more important than you are, even when he is more educated or has a better job. Also, don’t ever make him feel less important than you are either.
- Don’t make him into a demi-god; he is a man, nothing more, nothing less. This doesn’t mean you shouldn’t make him feel special; it means he is not someone you should fear or feel less than.
- Never let any man define who you are. Be you; you’re a queen with all your own power and glory.
- Never steal someone else’s man, if he cheated with you, he’d cheat on you.
- A man will only treat you the way you allow him to treat you.
- All men are actually not dogs. Be observant; however, bad behaviour may land you in the doghouse.
- You should not be the one always bending to his will. Compromise is a two-way thing.
- This does not relate to women alone and learning about men. Everyone should understand that you need time to heal between relationships. There’s nothing useful about having issues you’re dealing with and pursuing a new relationship. Deal with those issues first.
- It would help if you didn’t go into a relationship looking for someone to complete you. A relationship consists of two already complete individuals. Look for someone that will complement you instead of complete you.
- Understand that dating is fun.. even if he isn’t the one you end up with.
- Allow the guy to miss you sometimes, really. Trust me, this works, not that you should ignore him intentionally, but when you’re not living your own life but always at his behest, he may take you for granted. Remember that your life may not always include him.
- Don’t fully commit to a man who doesn’t listen to you and try to meet your needs; you can keep him in your rather but also get to know others.
- Become a woman that is in total control of herself.
- Finally and above all, love yourself first, fully and truly.
Hope this helps the women and some of the men, love and light, Wonder.
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