Nollywood actress Judy Austin has reportedly taken down a birthday post dedicated to her father-in-law and renowned actor, Pete Edochie. This action follows a recent video...
Yul Edochie, the talented Nollywood actor, has recently made headlines after deleting all posts of his second wife, Judy Austin, and their child together on his...
It’s no doubt that there has been some fire between May Edochie and her Husband’s second wife, Judy Austin, especially since she found out about their...
Yul Edochie has finally hit the unfollow button on his instagram on his wife May Edochie two months after she unfollowed him. It has been a...
May Edochie went from being an only wife to being the first wife. Let’s recall that Yul Edochie some months back revealed that he had gotten...
May Edochie pinned a comment that appeared to be shading her husband Yul Edochie and his new wife Judy Austin. May Edochie is Yul’s first wife...