Relationship Trauma Check: Assessing Your Emotional Well-being
1 year agoon
Relationship trauma can have a profound impact on our emotional well-being and how we navigate future relationships.
This Relationship Trauma Check is designed to help you assess whether you may be experiencing symptoms related to past relationship trauma.
Please answer the following questions honestly to gain insight into your emotional health and well-being.
Relationship Trauma Check:
1. Do you experience intrusive thoughts or memories about past traumatic experiences in your relationships?
– [ ] Never
– [ ] Rarely
– [ ] Sometimes
– [ ] Often
– [ ] Always
2. How often do you feel anxious or on edge when thinking about or being reminded of past relationship traumas?
– [ ] Never
– [ ] Rarely
– [ ] Sometimes
– [ ] Often
– [ ] Always
3. Do you find it difficult to trust others or form close relationships due to past relationship traumas?
– [ ] Never
– [ ] Rarely
– [ ] Sometimes
– [ ] Often
– [ ] Always
4. Have you noticed changes in your mood or behavior since experiencing past relationship traumas?
– [ ] Never
– [ ] Rarely
– [ ] Sometimes
– [ ] Often
– [ ] Always
5. How often do you experience intense emotional reactions, such as anger, sadness, or fear, related to past relationship traumas?
– [ ] Never
– [ ] Rarely
– [ ] Sometimes
– [ ] Often
– [ ] Always
6. Are you easily triggered by certain situations, words, or reminders that bring up memories of past relationship traumas?
– [ ] Never
– [ ] Rarely
– [ ] Sometimes
– [ ] Often
– [ ] Always
7. Do you find it challenging to express your emotions or communicate effectively in your current relationships due to past traumas?
– [ ] Never
– [ ] Rarely
– [ ] Sometimes
– [ ] Often
– [ ] Always
8. How often do you engage in behaviors or coping mechanisms, such as substance use or self-isolation, to numb or avoid feelings related to past relationship traumas?
– [ ] Never
– [ ] Rarely
– [ ] Sometimes
– [ ] Often
– [ ] Always
9. Have past relationship traumas affected your self-esteem, self-worth, or sense of identity?
– [ ] Never
– [ ] Rarely
– [ ] Sometimes
– [ ] Often
– [ ] Always
10. Do you feel stuck or unable to move forward in your personal growth or relationships due to past relationship traumas?
– [ ] Never
– [ ] Rarely
– [ ] Sometimes
– [ ] Often
– [ ] Always
– Add up the number of times you selected each response option (Never = 0, Rarely = 1, Sometimes = 2, Often = 3, Always = 4).
– The higher your total score, the more likely it is that you may be experiencing symptoms related to past relationship trauma.
– 0-10: Minimal to no symptoms of relationship trauma.
– 11-20: Mild symptoms of relationship trauma. Consider seeking support or resources for coping and healing.
– 21-30: Moderate symptoms of relationship trauma. It may be helpful to consult with a therapist or counselor for guidance and support.
– 31-40: Severe symptoms of relationship trauma. Professional intervention and therapeutic support are strongly recommended to address and heal from past traumas.
This Relationship Trauma Check is not a diagnostic tool but rather a self-assessment to help you recognize potential symptoms related to past relationship traumas.
If you find that you are experiencing significant distress or impairment in your daily functioning, consider reaching out to a mental health professional for further evaluation and support. Remember that healing is possible, and you deserve to live a life free from the burdens of past traumas.