Red flags In 2023 You Should Avoid In A Relationship
2 years agoon

Red flags can be difficult to identify or come to terms with especially when you’re in a relationship with a partner you love.
It’s easy to want to lie to yourself because the truth hurts but it is important that you learn how to identify some red flags in a partner.
This way, you’re able to protect your mental health and make the best decision for yourself.
6 Red Flags In 2023 You Should Absolutely Avoid
A Controlling Partner
A partner who is too controlling would want to have you under their wings at all times. Sometimes, you can mistake a controlling partner for a protective one. Their is a difference and you should be able to identify it.
Its okay to rely sometimes on your partner in a relationship especially when going through tough moments. But, it is dangerous for both partners to rely exclusively on themselves all the time for support, even alienating their other relationships with other people.
If your partner is doing this, this is a red flag that you should not ignore.
While physical abuse is the most easily detectable form of abuse, the others (mental and emotional abuse) are Just as equally dangerous if not more because they’re not easily seen and accumulate over time.
You should never let yourself be a dunking ground for peoples emotional failures.
Low emotional intelligence
People with low emotional intelligence are not able to properly process certain emotions.
They find it hard to feel empathy or see things from other peoples perspective. It will be extremely difficult trying to get a person with low emotional intelligence to see things from your perspective because they don’t have the emotional depths to grasp it.
In a relationship, this can cause resentment to simmer and consistently result to issues.
Inability To Trust
Every relationship needs trust as a foundation to stand the test of time.
If your partner finds it difficult to trust you, then you need to ask yourself why.
If it’s nothing you did and it has more to do with how they’re built or their own personal experience before they met, then that’s a red flag.
A partner who doesn’t trust you will over analyse situations constantly and will never have you feeling relaxed in the relationship.
If you’re in a relationship with someone who is always trying to make you feel guilty each time their is an issue even when it’s pretty clear that they’re in the wrong, then, you’re being gaslighted.
A gaslighter exhibits narcissistic tendencies and will manipulate you into doubting yourself and your sanity.
Jealousy is a normal part of any relationship. Platonic or romantic. But, it becomes an issue when it becomes too extreme and starts crossing lines that shouldn’t the crossed.
An overly jealous person will leave you terribly unhappy in your relationship. They will seek to alienate you from other people around you so that they can have you to themselves at all times.