Nigeria, Nigerians And The Gay Community
3 years agoon

Firstly, the Nigerian law does not still permit LGBT people in Nigeria. LGBT stand for Lesbians, gay, bisexual and transgender. If cut, you are to face legal and social challenges. Social in the sense that Nigerians are a group of really religious people. Could be christians, muslims and even traditional worshippers, and this doesn’t sit well with their religion.
Some might give you a long stare because they find it odd. They have never seen something like that before. Others might also…but for a different eason, they are staring in disgust. They still can’t understand why someone from a gender is attracted to their same gender.
Many Ngerians are fleeing the country to other countries with progressive laws to seek protection. In general,The legal punishment is 14 years in jail. The maximum punishment in the 12 northern states that have adopted Shari’s law is death by stoning. This law applies to all muslims and those that voluntarily use the application of Shari’s court.
NIgerians believe that homosexuality is a way of life that society should not accept. They see it as an abomination. Majority of Nigerians don’t sit well with this community and this is why.
Why Nigeria and Nigerians Have Refused To Accept LGBT community.
Africans in general do not sit with being gay because it’s not acceptable for religious reasons. One of the things commonly preached in northeastern Nigeria by preachers is against the activities of gay and lesbian.
It is publicly condemned in Churches and Mosques by giving examples from the holy books. Many Nigerians are religious and they are committed, this makes majority, condemn homosexuals. The two dominant religions preach against it. Some people generally believe that the issue of homosexuality is being forced on nugerians by western countries.
Even some Christian bodies in western countries have shifted their tradition so they can accommodate the LGBTQ community.
Culture/ Society:
The culture increases the chances that gay individuals will never be accepted in Nigeria. They can also face threats and physical violence. Nigerians are very cultural people who believe in their deep roots. They take cultural activities and rituals seriously. Rituals like how to prostrate ill greeting, how to sit, and others.
They take language, food and also marriage ceremonies seriously. Some cultures even permit polygamy so imagine a young man saying he wants to marry his fellow man. Imagine him saying this to his Nigerian parents.
There is a probability that someone will faint. “What will people say?” is the first thing that comes to their mind.because the society has not accepted it yet. They will become the laughing stock of the family because it is still new to a lot of people and it is regarded as an abomination.