My Sugar Daddy Almost Killed Me-Lovers Desk
3 years agoon

Right from when I was 18, I knew I wanted to live the soft life. You see, I did not come from a privileged home and so I’ve never really had the opportunity to indulge myself with the luxuries of life.
While some girls could have been happy or content with the little they had, I just never was. I tried. I really tried to be but every single night I would go to bed with a hunger and a desire to have better.
This only got worse when I was in the university and I watched some of my girlfriends living lives that I had only dreamed and fantasized about. They would go on all expense paid trips and get expensive gifts too.
In my final year, I got introduced to my first sugar daddy. He was 42 years older than I was. At first, I was absolutely disgusted to engage him or even be close to him but after our first sexual encounter, I got used to it.
I would hold my breath every time a sexual ordeal happened between us and thankfully because of his age it was very short. I soon started to enjoy the life I had always wanted.
He got me anything I wanted, the only thing he didn’t do for me was get me something grande like a house.
He made sure I never went broke and even after university, I did not have to work or stress myself and for a while I was really happy.
He only had one request which he wanted me to stick by. This request was that I do not get involved with any other guy but him.
I found this request rather easy to stick to at the beginning of our situation. I was not interested in guys and I was obviously always going to chose luxury over guys.
That was utntil I met Deji. I met Deji during a wedding event and we hit it off easily. He was just a few years older than I was and wanted something serious with me. At first, I tried to steer clear from him, but eventually I found myself falling in love with him. I tried to keep my new relationship a secret from my sugar daddy but ufortunately, he found us out and with his findings came an incident that will live forever rin my head.
My sugar daddy came over to my apartment one day and at first all seemed well. Then he proceeded to ask me about his secret findings of my relationship.
I denied outrightly and that was when in that very moment a heavy blow landed on my head.
At first I was so shocked to respond but when he raised his hand again to hit me, I dodged him and ran towards the bedroom. He followed me and told me that he already knew that I was cheating and had gone against our agreement before he asked me.
While I I was getting ready to explain and apologize, he detached his belt from his trousers and whipped me. I tried to escape but he was still surprising very strong for his age. He kept hitting me till I almost lost consciousness.
After that experience, your would have been a logical thing for me to to end my situation with my sugar daddy but I did not. I had gotten used to the many luxuries he afforded me so even though I was in bondage with him, I still could not leave him.
This is the sugar daddy situation of many Nigerian girls. It’s a life that once you indulge in, you addicted to.
Maybe if I had known earlier I would have known better than to get myself involved in it, unfortunately I let my desires and wants control me.
While this might not be everybody’s experience with their sugar daddy, this is mine.
My name is Faith and my sugar daddy almost killed me.