How to Ask A Person Out On Social Media
3 years agoon

So, you’ve had your eyes on a particular person on social media for a while. You are even following them and have initiated a conversation with them.
Their is only one tiny problem, you want to ask them out on a date but you do not know how to approach them. You’re scared of getting a rejection or even worse, blocked.
It can be scary asking any person out, but social media actually does make it a lot more comfortable as opposed to physical interactions.
Social media is now undoubtedly a space where you can confidently chat with your love interests and potential partners, if it is not done right or approached the right way, you can get ghosted online.
These are 5 Major Steps to Take When Asking A Person Out On Facebook
Consistently like and comment on their posts
Their is no better way to show that you’re interested in someone than liking their photos and videos on their social media feed. It communicates to them that you are interested in their content and that already places a step closer to them. Even if you are already having conversations with them, you should always like their posts.
Be careful not to go overboard with it, hence you might be seen as too “thirsty” and it can potentially drive them away.
Ask them questions
You should be more of a listener and less chatty. You do want to tell about yourself of course but at the same time, you want to give them an opportunity express themselves. This is the way you can tell if they’re looking for a relationship, talking to someone or completely closed off in the idea of getting into a relationship with someone.
You can ask them specific questions and through their answers you can tell if t is something you should still pursue.
Do they compliment during conversations? How do they react when you give them compliments? Do they want to share intimate details if their life with you?
All the answers given can be a tell tale sign of how they truly feel about you.
Keep It Real
Do not try to hard. Do not go an extra mile. Tell them how you truly feel about them, leave all your cards in the table. Don’t do too much, don’t do too less. You should also not try to trick them into knowing how you feel, let them know in clear cut terms.
Treat the conversation with confidence, do not be tentative when stating your mind, at the same time, refrain from being aggressive.
Tell her all the reasons you like her and what attracted you to her, then, ask her out. You can do a little research on her IG page to discover the best spots that she’s likely to indulge herself in. This will make you seem really serious and intentional about her.
Call Her
Why text when you can call her? Even though you can ask her out through direct messaging, it is preferable if you call her rather than texting. Calling her makes you seem more confident and it makes the process more romantic and serious.
You are able to tell through the tone of her how she feels about you and if she is excited or not.
Don’t be pushy
I know you want your love interest to say yes to you when you ask them out, it’s honestly every body’s dream. But, the truth is there is a potential that things might not go that way. You have to leave yourself open to that possibility. They might reject you, they might say yes. Be prepared just in case.
If they turn you down, accept it graciously. Sometimes it has nothing to do with you, maybe they’re just not ready for commitment with someone else. It’s possible that in the future they might even be ready for you but just not at that particular moment.
Don’t try to convince them to say yes, most times it does the absolute opposite and they run the other way.
There! You have it. Take these 5 steps and you just might be on your way to going out with your potential love interest on a sweet date.