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How Do I Get Him To Talk To Me After A Fight



So, you’ve had a nasty argument, and now you’re staring at your ceiling, wondering how do you make him talk to you after a fight?

Your mind probably obsesses over the question: “Should I text him first after a fight?” Making up after a fight has always been a delicate thing to do, and it will be for as long as people get into relationships.

Use technology for romance

How do you make him talk to you after a fight?


Using technology for romance is a good idea.

In all probability, your mind keeps going back to what to text your boyfriend after a fight. We’re all accustomed to using technology for our relationships, but be careful; it can make more damage than good if you’re not careful.

Text is a tool that will give you time not to react impulsively, so use it. There are a few things to text your boyfriend after a fight and a few not to.

First, as with a live conversation, open with a sincere apology.

Men usually react by withdrawing emotionally (and physically) when they’re shaken up. So how do you make him talk to you after a fight? Give him space.


Many women despair to their girlfriends: “He is ignoring me after a fight!” This is common. Men need a moment to think things through.

They’re not comfortable with talking about it, and they don’t vent out by conversations about the fight and their feelings. So, if there’s no contact after the argument, it might be a good thing.

Yes, you may wonder – does silence make a man miss you? It can do so.

He needs time to put his thoughts and emotions in order. He won’t welcome your relentless attention if he’s decided to pull back a bit.

At the end of the day, you should remember that after a fight, you cannot fast forward the process of reconciliation especially if you’re in the wrong.


You have to give your partner time to get over what they’re currently feeling so they don’t end up harboring resentment towards you.

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