10 Signs Your Date Is Not Interested In You (For Females)
3 years agoon

Have you ever been on a date and noticed mixed signals from the guy you are on the date with? It’s frustrating, I know.
A part of you is excited about being on a date, and the other part is riddled with anxiety because you cannot tell if your date really likes you or not.
Humans have different personalities, so it will be impossible for everyone to react the same way in situations.
However, there are some universal key signs that your date might not be interested in you.
These key signs include;
1. His eyes are on his phone more than they are on you.
We get it. It happens to the best of us. Being shy. But, if their eyes are pointedly fixated on their phone during the entire date, then it could be a bad sign that they’re not interested in you.
When a person is shy, you will be able to tell through their body language and the occasional short awkward glances at your face.
If you find yourself trying to get their attention all the time, this shows that they might not be as into you as you might like.
2. He keeps talking about themselves
Except he is Kevin Hart or Barack Obama, there’s no reason your date should be speaking for long minutes uninterrupted.
Their are people who love the sound of their own voice. These are people who care more about themselves than the other party that they’re talking to.
If your date doesn’t let you get a word in and goes on and on about their lives, it could be a sign that they’re not interested in your story or experiences.
This shows a clear lack of interest.
3. He keeps glancing at his watch
Oh boy! This one is pretty obvious. If you’ve eve been in this situation, I genuinely feel sorry for you.
If your date keeps glancing at their watch while making conversations with you then it is highly possible that they are bored of making conversations with you .
The only exception to this, is, if they have an important event or a meeting which they have to attend after the date.
But, then, why set a date when you have a meeting or something really important to do?
Your date glancing at their watch repeatedly is not only rude but it’s also a huge red flag. It shows they have no respect for your own time and your feelings.
PS: Remember that your date being “bored” of making conversations with you has absolutely nothing to do with you. It has nothing to do with your personality or character.
4. His Body language
Nothing spells a person’s feelings about something better than their body language. And the thing about body language is that it happens unconsciously. This is a correct tell-tale sign.
To find out if your date is interested in you through their body language, you should watch them closely.
How do they get when you’re close to them? Do they smile often? what is their expression when they look at you? Are they relaxed around you? Do they reach out for your hand? When you reach out for theirs, how do they react?
All these questions are important to have in the back of your mind.
5. He does not make “after date” plans.
If he’s not making plans to see you after a date, it means he does not want to see you. It’s that simple. It’s not complicated. If he wants to see you, he would make plans. Men are intentional about what they want and they will make it known in whatever way possible.
If they enjoyed your company, they will definitely want to see you again.
This is one of the obvious signs that your date isn’t intersted in pursuing a romantic relationship with eith you.
6. He does not follow up with you after the date.

It’s natural to follow up with your date after going out together.
You want to check in on them regularly, more so, if they made you smile.
Following up after a date is a sign that the date went well and left an impression. People reach out after dates because they like the feelig you create within them and so they want to trap it in by consistently reaching out.
It is like being hungry; your natural instinct is to eat. That is the same way it is with feelings. When someone likes you or they’re interested in you, they will reach out to you after a date.
If they’re not doing so, this could be a clear sign that your date isnt interested in you.
7. He does not respond to your messages
You’re home now and you’re still reeling from the excitement of a perfect date. Or at least you thought it was one. Unfortunately you try to reach out to your date and you are met with no response.
There could be multiple possibilities of course, a good one to consider is the possibility that your date just isn’t as interested in you as you thought. Maybe he got home and had a complete change of mind.
This one isn’t as clear as the others because there could be a lot of reasons why your date might not be responding to your messages. But either way, it is best to move on from it instead of waiting for him to come around.
8. He Talks About His Ex.
Absolutely nobody wants to hear about an ex during a date. If he talks about his ex in passing, then that’s different. However, if he is consistently talking about her during intimate conversations, then he’s probably not over her.
You only talk about things and people that are rooted in you mind. If he’s talking about her all the time, then she’s not far from this thoughts.
Who knows you might even be a rebound.
A man that keeps taking about his ex during a date is a man that is not interested in pursuing a romantic relationship with you. At least not for the right reasons. Do not give him the light of the day after the date.
9. He does not ask you personal questions
This one isn’t clear cut. There are people who are not adept at holding conversations so they might fall short in asking personal and intimate questions.
If the guy In question is shy, he might not ask you a lot of questions.
But if the guy is not afraid of holding conversations and appears confident, then he should be interested in you and would want to know more about you, the best way to do that is by asking questions.
You can’t know for sure if a guy is not interested in you going by just doing this, but it is also a strong possibility you should consider.
10. Your instincts.
You just know. It’s pure instinct. You feel it. It’s not something in particular that they did but you can just tell that there not interested in you. You know what they say about instincts and gut feeling? Instincts never lie. Always trust them.