How To Stop Obsessing Over Someone



Have you found yourself mindlessly obsessing over someone?

Even if it’s a person you’re in a relationship with, it can be a full time job to always have them interrupt your thoughts every single time.

Obsessing over your partner or over someone can be done in a healthy way, but, it becomes very unhealthy when it starts to negatively impact you and the person you’re obsessing over.

This is how you can stop obsessing over them

Obsess over yourself

Who says you have to completely stop obsessing? You can just change the object of interest to another person. You!


Dedicate your time and energy into loving yourself and obsessing over every tiny detail in your life. You will naturally start to feel good about yourself and also treat you right.

This will help you understand that you deserve more than compulsively obsessing over another human being.

Stop entertaining thoughts of them

The truth is when we are obsessing over someone or something, it does create a pleasurable feeling inside us. However, this feeling is very fleeting and will only lead to negative emotions at the end of the day.

I know that sometimes you can’t help having their thoughts in your mind, but, when it comes, learn to intentionally fixate your mind with something else or an activity.

Stay Far Away From Them

The first thing you need to do is create a distance between yourself and your object of interest. This is the beginning step you should take to crater a mind that is clear so that you can think better and more healthier.


It will be pretty difficult at first but with time and consistency, you will be able to overcome those obsessive thoughts.

Speak to friends and family

Sometimes a great way to get over something is talking about it it regularly .

When going through an obsession, be open with your feelings and speak with people who are close to you and care about you like your family and friends.

They will be able to advice you and help you see things better. Their support will also help you get strong enough to walk away from your obsession.


When you meditate, you are able to experience peace and gain clarity over some berries situations.


Meditation helps you be present and see live from a realistic and truthful point of view instead of your own obsessive unrealistic thoughts.

It’s a great way for you to disengage from unwanted and harmful thoughts that make you feel bad.

Do New Things

Routines can be monotonous and boring which can lead to a bad mental health state.

A bad mental health can trigger obsession.

This is why you should try as much as you can to break your routines and find new things to indulge in regularly.


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