Tips For Dating A Plus Size Girl



Dating a Plus size girl is like dating a normal girl, whether she’s a size 2 or size 24, she wants to feel special and loved, not different.

You have to make her feel confident. When you are dating any woman, as a man, you have to be able to remove everything assaulting the confidence of your woman from the inside. How do you do this?

Coping with conflict

You have to learn how to manage conflict. Every fight will not be as a result of their plus size but we can’t say that it won’t be a factor on some occasions. Different people have different ways they manage conflict. Don’t divert from what caused the argument just so you can win the fight. For instance, you are having a fight because of money and then because you want to make a point, you decide to insult their weight. That is wrong. You should never do that, In an argument or not. In a relationship, treat people the way you want to be treated.

Let her know you care about her. Work together to solve your problems.


Be straightforward

Yes, you want to make her feel better but you have to be as straightforward as possible. She. She asked you how she looks in a dress, tell her the truth. Not in a hurtful way. In a way she knows that she’s loved and you only care about her and you want the best for her. If you don’t do this, others will do so and it often comes in a mean way. Some people won’t say it to your face, they’ll just laugh from afar.

You’ll hear people saying, didn’t her friends see her before she came out? Didn’t her husband see her before she came out? This is what happens when you are not straightforward and you don’t tell them how you feel about a certain outfit or things in general.


Being straightforward shouldn’t make you mean. Like in a scenario where she asked you if she looks fat, you don’t have to answer because any of the answers will hurt. If you say yes because of honesty, you’ll hurt her and if you say no, she’ll feel you are just trying to protect her and she is indeed fat. In a situation like this, remind her that you love her in whatever way and it will always be her. You love her for her and not even a thing called weight, would matter.

Never Let Your Friends Make Fun Of Her

Whether she is there or not, Plus size or small size, you should never let your friends make fun of someone you claim to be In love with. It is so wrong. Your friends can be insensitive. They might joke around by calling her names and dropping nasty comments. This should never be acceptable. If you accept it, it’s going to be a regular thing and no girl likes disrespect. Whenever they try to do it, stop them in their tracks and let them know how much she means to you.


You don’t have to defend her by fighting. Use your words and command respect. If they are your friends, they should be able to respect the person you love. Your friends do not have a say in your love life. If you have a cruel friend that has refused to stop with the comments, then it’s better to stay away from them to enjoy your relationship with your plus-size queen.

Be Confident

If you are not confident, how do you expect yourself to boost someone’s confidence? There’s nothing better than a man who knows what he wants and who is not afraid or ashamed to show the world his gem.

Hold her hand in public. When you are outside with her, focus on her and her alone. Don’t start to look in other places.

Always Remember Why You Are Dating Her

Remember what attracted you to her. Dating a Plus size girl is the same as dating any other girl. Some plus-size girls are sensitive and are not ok with some teasing and comments. Comments on how they eat or their size can be taken wrongly so it’s better to avoid it. You have to put your eyes on her and focus on what attracted you to hear and always remind her of that.


Girls want love. The least you can do is care for the person you want to give your life to. Love her just how you want to be loved back.


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