The Power of Forgiveness in Your Relationship



Once you understand the power of forgiveness in your relationship, you will be more receptive to the idea of forgiving your partner when they wrong you.

Their is no relationship that will be able to thrive without forgiveness. Humans are naturally hardwired to make mistakes, and when mistakes are made, the only way to resolve it is through forgiveness.

The truth is, a lot of people do not know the power of forgiveness in a relationship. It is much more beneficial to you than it is to the person who wronged you.

This is the power of forgiveness in your relationship

You Stop Being A Victim

It is very possible for you to forgive someone and still remember all they did to you. You can’t take away the memories of what was done to you even if you’ve reached a point where it no longer hurts you.


When you forgive people, you get your butt out of the victim mode. The victim mode is such a comfortable space to be in. It’s normal to want to stay in there for a while, however forgiveness absolves you if that.

When you forgive them, you make a decision to own your narrative and situation. You can decide to never see them again if you want to even after you’ve forgiven them. Whatever decision you make after you forgive them is valid.

You can then work on being emotionally stronger, fixing your integrity and working on your integrity so that you are able to work through even more difficult situations that might involve forgiveness.

You stop having anxiety

When you do not forgive a person, your mind is not at peace. You might find yourself battling with feelings of nervousness and anxiety. Forgiving a person who wronged you naturally gets rid of all the anxiety.

The worry that you’re feeling abruptly comes to and end once you’re able to free your mind from all the nerves and uncertainty of holding a grudge.


Forgiveness Is Freedom

You give yourself the power when you forgive someone, so yes..:it is freedom.

The work and emotions you have put in deeply into your partner should be extended or completely transferred to you. When you’re unhappy with someone, you spend a lot of time and energy on that situation. That time and energy is one you can actually transfer to your self, your mental health, your growth and you can make it better.

You do not have to be tied down to emotions that take out the life from you and fill you with negativity when you can be free instead.

When you’re able to free yourself and forgive someone, you can then begin to see the whole situation from a whole new perspective and maybe understand that it was never about you. Or maybe it wasn’t as deep or as bad as you thought it was.


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