Legend's Reflections

Legend’s Reflection 2: Money Or Impact?



Legend’s Reflection 2: Money Or Impact!
Would you choose money over impact?
Candidly speaking, we would probably all choose money first before we start considering the importance of impact.
As a matter of fact, if you live in the African environment, the deep-seated deprivation and poverty around would probably make you choose money first.
Money solves problems and could even help you make an impact, right? The right answer then would be to choose money, right?
Today’s reflection is not to help you answer the question but to probe your heart especially if you already have some money (at least to a degree).
At the end of every day, week, month, and year’s activities that gave you the money in question, would you say you feel deeply satisfied?
Are there activities you know would give you a lot more fulfillment if you gave some time to them?
There are many rich men who give millions to a charity whose hearts are troubled. In the wise words of Yeshua, where your treasure is, there your heart will be also.
Many with money try to give to causes their heart is not deeply connected to.
As a man with money, no matter how little, you have heart-fulfilling endeavors. These are activities that would deeply satisfy your soul more than all the money in the world. If you are yet to find this, you need to search your heart.
There are many people who are active in the board room but bored in spirit because they are not committing their soul to their own heart-fulfilling endeavors.
The best job to do is the one that not only makes you money but helps you make the most impact where it truly matters (to your heart).
Caveat: This is not a call to leave your job or business in search of heart-fulfilling endeavors, however, it is a call to pursue your heart-fulfilling endeavors as much as you pursue your money-making activities. If you can turn your heart-fulfilling endeavors into your job, the better!
The greatest tragedy of life would be a life that is not making money and not making an impact. At least, with money, you can make an impact even if not deeply satisfying but not doing both is probably the greatest tragedy of a life.
As I leave you to reflect today, if you are not making money, make an impact, till you make money. If you are making money, make heart-fulfilling impacts.
God wired you, there is a reason certain things make your heart leap for joy and deeply satisfies your soul, find these things and commit your time and money to them.
The men that will experience true greatness are those who are daily committed to their heart-fulfilling endeavors.
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