Fake Orgasms: 6 Signs She’s Faking It



Believe it or not, women fake orgasms and this happens either because they love you too much to let us know when we’re doing things wrong or can’t satisfy them. Some women just can’t be bothered with trying while some have gotten used to satisfying themselves.

Some women have anorgasmia, which is the inability to have an orgasm. But the fact remains that most non-anorgasmic women can’t climax from penetrative intercourse alone. Most women need direct clitoral stimulation to have an orgasm. So yeah, someone has probably faked an orgasm with you. Don’t panic though, just talk about it. If you’re dating a woman who is physically capable of an orgasm and you’re worried that she may be faking it, here are six signs that you’re correct.

  1. She orgasms after you keep asking her to.

Don’t pressure your partner into having an orgasm. Nothing kills the mood like being forced to the finish line. If you’re asking her every two seconds “did you come” and she eventually moans a half-assed “yeah baby,” it was likely just to shut you up rather than because she got off.

  1. No foreplay.

Unless you have been away from each other for a long time and are bubbling with sexual tension that you could make electricity, your female partner likely needs foreplay to have an orgasm. So make out, perform oral and begin to think of penetrating sex as part of sex, rather than all that is sex.

  1. She doesn’t need to recover strength

After an orgasm (in male or female) one usually can’t talk or move for a little bit, breathing is different. Everything is extra sensitive. All women are different, but this is known as the ‘resolution phase’ of an orgasm. If she says she came but doesn’t look like she’s in an altered reality for a minute or two, she may have faked it.

  1. Lack of contractions.

Studies indicate that when most women come, there’s pelvic muscle contractions. If this happens during penetrative sex, you may be able to feel her vaginal walls gripping with a rhythm. If she screams that she’s coming but her vagina is as quiet as a mourning sermon, that was likely a fake orgasm.

  1. She wants different sex

If your partner suddenly stops faking orgasms from penetrative sex and requests more oral, she was likely faking orgasms some of those other times, and now she’s not. (Note: There could be a medical reason behind the change. Switching antidepressants, for instance, can affect ability to orgasm.)

  1. It’s different than her other orgasms.

Women fake orgasms for a lot of reasons. Usually, in newer relationships, it’s because she wants the sex to be good, but she may not feel close enough to you to ask for what she needs in bed so she fakes it with loud moans.

Let’s say after sleeping together for a month that it’s her birthday, so you go down on her for 45 minutes. She comes, less theatrically, but with an arched back while repeating “holy shit holy shit holy shit holy shit holy shit holy shit holy shit” and then flops over to rest. Congrats: You just saw a real orgasm. Give more oral. (Understand that this graphic description did not come from me but from a female friend, thanks).



The signs that a woman is faking her orgasm are not the same as every other woman. It is very subjective as the human anatomy differs greatly. And if by using these signs; you find out that your partner was faking it, don’t get aggressive. Communicate with your partner so you can both enjoy sex together. Most of the time, you just need to introduce foreplay.

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