7 Romantic Things To Do With Your Lover Indoor



You are in the house together with your lover. It’s a free day -no one is working; no one is going out- and you’re wondering how best to make use of such precious time.

What if I told you that you could make the most out of such awesome opportunity: I mean, in ways that will help you strengthen the bond between you two and also help you create lasting memories?

Well, say no more. Here are 7 romantic things to do with your lover indoors for maximum enjoyment.

1. Have an indoor dance party

A beautiful couple dancing tango in the streets of Berlin

Yes. I know… Whaaattt! Smiling. I said have an indoor dance party. The thing is for this romantic activity, it is just you two. It affords you the opportunity to busy yourself not with what X is wearing or why DJ Zee is playing this and not that music. You two are free to choose any song you want, wear anything you want and perform that crab dance you’ve always only danced before your mirrored twin.

The pros of this is that, you two get to drop down your guard and show each other that true and oft concealed playful part of yourself.


Nothing beats that!

2. Puzzle Challenge

Now, I assume you two are young, yeah, and you love to take on challenges. A puzzle challenge is simple: it helps you two compete with each other in a healthy and funny way. Who knows, you could even form a habit from it!

See any of the following for what works best for you:  word puzzle, picture puzzle etc.

3.  Take a short & fun online class together


The outbreak of Covid-19 has helped the world tap into one of its oft ignored resources: online courses. For a couple, it’s even more fun to learn something new together.

Of course, I’m not saying you two should begin to learn Python on Coursera or something. Naaa (except you two are techies). What I mean is a fun short courses. Courses that will make you two have a swell time, like a dancing class, a cooking class, a singing class, a drawing class (God help you if one of you is a terrible artist in the making -hahaha) etc.

Such endeavor helps forge a bond between you two in ways you never deemed possible. Just ensure the course you choose is of interest to both of you.

4. Have a spa night



You know what I’m saying.

So, after the day has been spent dancing, puzzling, fun-learning and so on, it’s only cool for the evening to be spent doing something more relaxing and comforting.

I will leave this at that. Winks*

5. Plan your ultimate vacation

Except you’re not upbeat, every couple have a dream vacation whether to Thailand, The Grand Canyon, Baku, or any one of those luxurious couple’s paradise. Take time to plan yours. No one says you must pack your bags next weekend and jump on a plane to paradise. No.


What this will do for you two is to help you project into a future together. You can then begin to make material preparation towards the penned plan at your earliest convenience.

This is usually fun-romantic. Trust me.

6. Cooking Competition

Hahahaha! You, man, will possibly be rolling your eyes rn. Lol.

But yeah! A cooking competition in the house during your lovers time is awesome! It’s more like two jolly souls trying to outcook the other and awestruck each other’s taste buds.


You can’t cook? Oh that’s even better! Use a YouTube cooking manual.

Just make sure whatever in heaven or hells name you two make, you can eat it! Hahaha!

And yes, lest I forget, get this on video. Every minute of it.  E get why.

7. Fun couples games

I’m sure you night have thought this is the first thing I’d mention. Smiling.


Fun games are a predictable couple’s past time. But what I’m helping you do is to go for a romantic fun couple’s games. Try out these games for maximum effect: never-have-I-ever; Truth or Dare; Deal or no deal; yes, no, maybe etc.

These 7 romantic things to do with your lover indoors are ALL foolproof. You are always in for a great lovers with either combination.

Oh, yeah, I’ve got a bonus tip just for you!

8. Revisit old picture together.




I hope you try out these romantic activities. You’re welcome to thank me later.

Have more suggestions? Kindly drop it in the comment section.




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