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Why Men Don’t Rush Into Relationships



men and relationships

For most guys, dating is awful and if you’re a guy reading this, you’ll likely agree with me. Among many activities that guys engage in, many guys will say dating is the least fun thing to do when they can play games or hang out with the boys. Tell me, who dating ‘epp’? Don’t mind me though, I’ll let you know why we men are more cautious when it comes to committing to a relationship.

The main reason why men don’t rush into relationships is that men as the gender that deals primarily with logic do not chase that emotional connection as often as women. It is said that those who jump from relationship to relationship have a problem with being alone. Most men have no problem being alone. Men are content with what they have and the relationships they are currently engaging in and don’t need to be emotionally completed by someone else.

Another reason that men don’t jump into new relationships immediately after one has ended is that men enjoy the chase. That sensation of the unknown. We also don’t want to be vulnerable, to let our walls down, or to be the first to catch feelings.

Of sure, there are those guys who have nasty attitudes and give the gender a bad reputation; but, we aren’t all bad. There are a lot of kind, sweet men out there who sincerely want to connect with you. But only on our own terms. Ultimatums, being pressured, forced conversations are things that won’t keep a man, they’ll chase him off.


We’re not scared of being in a relationship or commitment. We are, nevertheless, wary of starting something fresh with the wrong individual. Why start a new relationship when the possibility of failure looms in the back of our minds? We choose not to be “emotional” or “vulnerable” even though we are repeatedly told it is acceptable. Unfortunately, it is part of who we are, and changing it requires a special person.

Some men are hesitant to leap into new relationships because they are still attempting to overcome their feelings for their ex. Losing a relationship, especially one that has lasted a long time, is like losing a loved one. It’s a grieving process, and only you can decide whether you’re ready to try again. We come back to try again once we’ve addressed our feelings from the previous relationship.


If you’re a woman reading this and you’ve not had a good experience with men in the past, it’s not you, it’s us unless you gave ultimatums or any of the other no go areas I mentioned above.

We’re complex creatures with simple needs. Don’t give up on love if you’re falling for someone who isn’t quite ready. Show us patience, allow us to let you in on our terms and keep an open mind. Finding the right relationship is tricky and requires a lot of trial and error, but in the end, it may all be worth it.


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