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Starting Over The Right Way After A Fight



Let me ask you a question. ‘What happens after a fight?’. You’ve both aired out all your issues and now your emotions are in a upheaval. Are you good at starting over? You don’t want to break up but most times, after fights, couples often break up because they don’t know what to do.

Well, today, I’ll be helping you with tips for starting over after a fight. Even if you maturely resolve a conflict successfully and compassionately, you can still feel disconnected from each other. The good news is that the three tips below will aid you in starting over.


When you mess up and do it over, often times, you do it better. Well, this works well in love, too. I use this tool a lot myself whenever a relationship gets strained after an argument.


You might be surprised how powerful this can be and how creative you can get with your own do-over techniques. One couple I’ve read about shakes hands and re-introduce themselves: “Hi, I’m Bayo, nice to meet you” and they smile. The slate is clean, and they begin again.


When we struggle to find the right words, we often forget that words aren’t everything. Silence and loving touch can speak volumes. Don’t over-rely on words. When you long to feel close, to come back together, try a deep, connected hug and breathe in and out together. Hold hands. This can help you calm down, feel safe, and re-establish closeness. Without saying a thing.


One of the best ways to quickly change your mood is to change your physical body. Try it right now! Stand up and dance. Then quickly check in with your heart, your mind, and your emotions. Notice how you feel. Couples report they feel light-hearted, playful, and able to laugh at themselves—all of which are fantastic remedies to irritation, sadness, or disconnect. So shake your body for a quick path back to closeness.



So when the fight is over, I’d like to encourage you to calm down and make up, not break up. Because, starting over can always be done; every moment is the right moment so start over now!!

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