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pull down happiness

Murderers of Self! Finding Happiness in a World That Relegate Your Authenticity

pull down happiness

a hand reaching down to rescue someone.

We tag some people as hired killers when they are paid to take lives.

Life is precious and no one should murder another human. It is probably the highest sacrilegious sin you can commit. To take another man’s life is to tell His creator that the world has no use for him. You have simply taken the place of the creator.

You must be aware that there are humans that can kill the body but cannot kill the soul but they are not dangerous. The worst they can do is kill the physical body while they free the soul into the world unknown (a world that may be better than here depending on your beliefs).

The worst humans are the ones that have made it their lives duty to kill the soul of others in the name of criticism, opinionated, celebrity, influencer and all other titles that empower them make others feel less than they truly are.


Let’s take an analogy: Have you ever seen a short woman win Miss World or Miss Nigeria? Are short people less beautiful or intelligent? Have you ever seen the woman with large pimples all over her face named Miss Anything? They don’t qualify because certain people said they aren’t beautiful. If any of these exist, maybe one in twenty.

GoodNews! Those who made those rules are humans just like you, who projected their ideas through media and culture. They don’t have two heads. They made the ‘boys’ see you only as a sex object. Your body is used carelessly to sell irrelevant products. They have sold you a lie and made you believe that what you are is substandard and less than what you really are.

In closing this, remember that some of the heroes of our world like Martin Luther King, Nelson Mandela, Mother Teresa and more are rebels. They rebelled against societal status quo. They became comfortable in their skin and projected their beliefs and ideals. They were not perfect but never allowed another imperfect being make them lose sleep over their lives, colour or body.

There are many things I want to say that I can’t put into words but whatever you get from the above, take it literally and become a rebel. Refuse any label that society, friends and social media has placed on you because you were wonderfully and beautifully made. You only need to embrace your truth and happiness!

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