Is It Possible To Be In Love With More Than One Person?
2 years agoon

Nobody wakes up in the morning and hopes to fall in love with more than one person. At least, I don’t know anybody that does.
In reality, a lot of people end up feeling attraction to different people at the same time and even believing that it is love that they feel for these people.
Is this really love? Can you be in love with more than one person at the same time?
Well…The answer is Absolutely.
You’re probably wondering how in the heck that is even possible, don’t worry…we’ll explore that in a moment.
First of all, being in love with more than two people is very similar to polyamory. Polyamory means being in a relationship with more than one person and we all know for you to want to date two people, some sort of feelings has to exist between you and them.
A person who is an intense lover is able to feel very deeply for people and even for more than one person.
The truth is being in love is a deliberate act. While you cannot chose who you like or who you sing yourself attracted to, you can actually chose you eventually develop feelings for and fall in love. If you spend time with someone you find yourself attracted to on a consistent basis, pretty soon you will find yourself falling in love with them.
And this can happen with more than one person. H the us all depends on the persons characteristics and traits that draws you closer to them.
It is very important that people are also able to correctly tell the different e between being in love, feeling a connection or just being attracted to a person . These 3 things while they can at times feel so similar to each other are actually very different.
Genuine love is something that does not just happen but is rather built over time with consistency. Feelings and desires can be a starting point for falling in love but they’re still not “real love”.
In summary, being in love with more than one person is very feasible and not a far fetched idea. While it’s much easier to fall in love with just one person, falling in love with a second person might leave you feeling very disoriented.