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Breakup: Benefits of no contact period





Breakup can be very hard to deal with especially when you are on the receiving end. Sometimes, it can feel like your whole world is falling apart when that one person you chose to love turn their back on you by telling you the two scary words “it’s over”. Although it feels like you can’t live without your ex, you just have to pick up the pieces and move on. The no contact period is very important to help you get over your ex. This period is when you don’t call, text or message your ex in any way after your breakup. Having a no contact period will give you perspective and clarity and these two things give you the power to choose what is best for you.

Here is a compilation of the benefits of no contact period after your breakup

  1. Gives you space to detox

A breakup can be a highly emotional experience, you need time and space to detox from it all. You need to feel your feelings, you need to mourn and you need to be with yourself. It’s a process. And this process will be interrupted if your ex keeps coming in and out of your life. They might miss you and want to check up to see if you are okay; this will mess with your head. Engaging with them will not make you okay. It will only hurt you more.

  1. It will help you get over your ex

You must have heard the saying ‘time heals’. Healing will only take place if you make the effort. Time won’t heal anything if you continue to see and speak to your ex. The combination of time and space is what heals. You cannot get over your ex if they are right there in front of you or they are always showing up after the breakup. All you will think about is how much you miss them and how you would like to get back to them. The point is you will never extinguish your feelings for them if you keep on communicating with them.

  1. Gives you the chance to put the pieces of your life back together

It’s easy to get lost in a relationship, especially a bad relationship with all its drama, highs and lows, fights and makeups. You spend most of your precious time trying to make fix things. this can drain you emotionally and make you not to have time for the things you love doing. You need to spend time working on your relationship with yourself. This is the key to having successful relationships with other. You should know that this won’t be possible if you are in close contact with your ex

  1. It gives them the space to miss you

The no contact period is about reconnecting to yourself. It will also make your ex miss you. But this doesn’t mean you should go running back to them. You need to work on yourself, get back to yourself and most importantly love yourself. Although, the fact that your ex miss you does not guarantee that they want to get back to you. You need to constantly remind yourself that the no contact period is for you to work on being the best version of you.

  1. You can open yourself up to other people

You might not be ready to date at this moment, but you will be able to see opportunities when your ex isn’t blocking your view. When your ex isn’t in the picture, you open up space for someone else to step in. most times, when you meet someone new after your breakup, you begin to wonder why you held on to someone that didn’t deserve you.


Don’t get me wrong. It is not impossible to get back together with an ex. But in order to get them back, you have to first get over them. And if your ex doesn’t want to get back together after a period of no contact, then at least you have already started the moving on process.

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